Citing fullrmc

  1. Bachir Aoun; Fullrmc, a Rigid Body Reverse Monte Carlo Modeling Package Enabled with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; J. Comput. Chem. (2016), 37, 1102–1111

  2. Bachir Aoun; Stochastic atomic modeling and optimization with fullrmc; J. Appl. Cryst. (2022). 55, 1664-1676

fullrmc package

Inheritance diagram of fullrmc.Engine
Inheritance diagram of fullrmc.Core.Group
Inheritance diagram of fullrmc.Selectors.RandomSelectors, fullrmc.Selectors.OrderedSelectors
Inheritance diagram of fullrmc.Generators.Translations, fullrmc.Generators.Rotations, fullrmc.Generators.Swaps, fullrmc.Generators.Agitations, fullrmc.Generators.Removes
Inheritance diagram of fullrmc.Constraints.AtomicCoordinationConstraints, fullrmc.Constraints.DistanceConstraints.InterMolecularDistanceConstraint, fullrmc.Constraints.DistanceConstraints.IntraMolecularDistanceConstraint, fullrmc.Constraints.BondConstraints, fullrmc.Constraints.AngleConstraints, fullrmc.Constraints.DihedralAngleConstraints, fullrmc.Constraints.ImproperAngleConstraints, fullrmc.Constraints.PairDistributionConstraints, fullrmc.Constraints.PairCorrelationConstraints, fullrmc.Constraints.StructureFactorConstraints

Welcoming videos

Molecular system fullrmc stochastic fitting simulation. Groups are set to molecules and smart moves are applied. Translations along symmetry axes, rotations about symmetry axes, etc.

Atomic binary Nickel-Titanium shape memory alloy system phase transformation stochastic simulation. Random atomic translations are enough to reproduce short range ordering. But swapping atoms is necessary to fit long range atomic correlations.

Molecular system mere atomic stochastic simulation. Covalent bond electron density polarization is modelled by allowing fullrmc to explore across energy low correlation barriers.

Reverse Monte Carlo traditional fitting mode compared with fullrmc’s recursive selection with exploring. This video shows how from a potential point of view exploring allow to cross forbidden unlikely barriers and going out of local minimas.

Brief Description

Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) is probably best known for its applications in condensed matter physics and solid state chemistry. fullrmc which stands for FUndamental Library Language for Reverse Monte Carlo is different than traditional RMC but a stochastic modelling method to solve an inverse problem whereby an atomic/molecular model is adjusted until its atoms position have the greatest consistency with a set of experimental data.

fullrmc is a python package with its core and calculation modules optimized and compiled in Cython. fullrmc is not a standard RMC package but it’s rather unique in its approach to stochastically solving an atomic or molecular structure. fullrmc’s Engine sub-module is the main module that contains the definition of ‘Engine’ which is the main and only class used to launch a stochastic fitting calculation. Engine reads only Protein Data Bank formatted atomic configuration ‘.pdb’ files and handles other definitions and attributes such as:

  1. Group: Engine doesn’t understand atoms or molecules but group of atom indexes instead. A group is a set of atom indexes, allowing indexes redundancy within the same group definition. A Group instance can contain any list of indexes and as many atoms index as needed. Grouping atoms is essential to make clusters of atoms (residues, molecules, etc) evolve and move together. A group of a single atom index can be used to make a single atom move separately from the others. Engine’s ‘groups’ attribute is a simple list of group instances containing all the desired and defined groups that one wants to move.
  2. Group selector: Engine requires a GroupSelector instance which is the artist that selects a group from the engine’s groups list at every engine runtime step. Among other properties, depending on which group selector is used by the engine, a GroupSelector can allow weighting which means selecting groups more or less frequently than the others, it can also allow selection recurrence and refinement of a single group, ordered and random selection is also possible.
  3. Move generator: Every group instance has its own MoveGenerator. Therefore every group of atoms when selected by the engine’s group selector at the engine’s runtime can perform a customizable and different kind of moves.
  4. Constraint: A constraint is a rule that controls certain aspect of the configuration upon moving groups. Engine’s ‘constraints’ attribute is a list of all defined and used constraint instances, it is the judge that controls the evolution of the system by accepting or rejecting the move of a group. If engine’s constraints list is empty and contains no constraint definition, this will result in accepting all the generated moves.

Tetrahydrofuran simple example yet complete and straight to the point

## Tetrahydrofuran (THF) molecule sketch
##              O
##   H41      /   \      H11
##      \  /         \  /
## H42-- C4    THF     C1 --H12
##        \ MOLECULE  /
##         \         /
##   H31-- C3-------C2 --H21
##        /          \
##     H32            H22

#   #####################################################################################   #
#   ############################### IMPORT WHAT IS NEEDED ###############################   #
import os
import numpy as np
from fullrmc.Engine import Engine
from fullrmc.Constraints.PairDistributionConstraints import PairDistributionConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.DistanceConstraints import InterMolecularDistanceConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.BondConstraints import BondConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.AngleConstraints import BondsAngleConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.ImproperAngleConstraints import ImproperAngleConstraint
from fullrmc.Core.MoveGenerator import MoveGeneratorCollector
from fullrmc.Generators.Translations import TranslationGenerator, TranslationAlongSymmetryAxisGenerator
from fullrmc.Generators.Rotations import RotationGenerator, RotationAboutSymmetryAxisGenerator

#   #####################################################################################   #
#   ############################# DECLARE USEFUL VARIABLES ##############################   #
pdfData      = "thf_pdf.exp"
pdbStructure = "thf.pdb"
enginePath   = "thf_engine.rmc"

#   #####################################################################################   #
#   ############################## CREATE STOCHASTIC ENGINE #############################   #
ENGINE = Engine(path=None)
# if engine is not created and saved
if not ENGINE.is_engine(enginePath)
    # create and initialize engine
    ENGINE = Engine(path=enginePath, freshStart=True)

    # re-set structure boundary conditions
    ENGINE.set_boundary_conditions(np.array([48.860,0,0, 0,48.860,0, 0,0,48.860]))

    # create and add pair distribution constraint to the engine
    PDF_CONSTRAINT = PairDistributionConstraint(experimentalData=pdfData, weighting="atomicNumber")

    # create and add intermolecular distances constraint to the engine
    EMD_CONSTRAINT = InterMolecularDistanceConstraint()

    # create and add bonds constraint to the engine
    B_CONSTRAINT = BondConstraint()
    B_CONSTRAINT.create_bonds_by_definition( bondsDefinition={"THF": [('O' ,'C1' , 1.20, 1.70),
                                                                      ('O' ,'C4' , 1.20, 1.70),
                                                                      ('C1','C2' , 1.25, 1.90),
                                                                      ('C2','C3' , 1.25, 1.90),
                                                                      ('C3','C4' , 1.25, 1.90),
                                                                      ('C1','H11', 0.88, 1.16),('C1','H12', 0.88, 1.16),
                                                                      ('C2','H21', 0.88, 1.16),('C2','H22', 0.88, 1.16),
                                                                      ('C3','H31', 0.88, 1.16),('C3','H32', 0.88, 1.16),
                                                                      ('C4','H41', 0.88, 1.16),('C4','H42', 0.88, 1.16)] })

    # create and add angles constraint to the engine
    BA_CONSTRAINT = BondsAngleConstraint()
    BA_CONSTRAINT.create_angles_by_definition( anglesDefinition={"THF": [ ('O'  ,'C1' ,'C4' , 105, 125),
                                                                          ('C1' ,'O'  ,'C2' , 100, 120),
                                                                          ('C4' ,'O'  ,'C3' , 100, 120),
                                                                          ('C2' ,'C1' ,'C3' , 95 , 115),
                                                                          ('C3' ,'C2' ,'C4' , 95 , 115),
                                                                          # H-C-H angle
                                                                          ('C1' ,'H11','H12', 98 , 118),
                                                                          ('C2' ,'H21','H22', 98 , 118),
                                                                          ('C3' ,'H31','H32', 98 , 118),
                                                                          ('C4' ,'H41','H42', 98 , 118),
                                                                          # H-C-O angle
                                                                          ('C1' ,'H11','O'  , 100, 120),
                                                                          ('C1' ,'H12','O'  , 100, 120),
                                                                          ('C4' ,'H41','O'  , 100, 120),
                                                                          ('C4' ,'H42','O'  , 100, 120),
                                                                          # H-C-C
                                                                          ('C1' ,'H11','C2' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C1' ,'H12','C2' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C2' ,'H21','C1' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C2' ,'H21','C3' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C2' ,'H22','C1' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C2' ,'H22','C3' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C3' ,'H31','C2' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C3' ,'H31','C4' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C3' ,'H32','C2' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C3' ,'H32','C4' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C4' ,'H41','C3' , 103, 123),
                                                                          ('C4' ,'H42','C3' , 103, 123) ] })

    # create and add improper angles constraint to the engine keeping THF molecules' atoms in the plane
    IA_CONSTRAINT = ImproperAngleConstraint()
    IA_CONSTRAINT.create_angles_by_definition( anglesDefinition={"THF": [ ('C2','O','C1','C4', -15, 15),
                                                                          ('C3','O','C1','C4', -15, 15) ] })

    # initialize constraints data

    # save engine
# if engine is created and saved, it can be simply loaded.
    ENGINE = ENGINE.load(engineFilePath)
    # unpack constraints before fitting in case tweaking is needed

#   #####################################################################################   #
#   ########################### RUN ATOMIC STOCHASTIC FITTING ###########################   #
# set groups as atoms. By default when the engine is constructed, all groups are single atoms.
ENGINE.set_groups_as_atoms(), saveFrequency=1000)

#   #####################################################################################   #
#   ########################## RUN MOLECULAR STOCHASTIC FITTING #########################   #
## set groups as molecules instead of atoms
# set moves generators to all groups as a collection of random translation and rotation
for g in ENGINE.groups:
    mg = MoveGeneratorCollector(collection=[TranslationGenerator(),RotationGenerator()], randomize=True)
    g.set_move_generator( mg )
## Uncomment to use any of the following moves generators instead of the earlier collector
## Also other moves generators can be used to achieve a better fit for instance:
#[g.set_move_generator(TranslationAlongSymmetryAxisGenerator(axis=0)) for g in ENGINE.groups]
#[g.set_move_generator(TranslationAlongSymmetryAxisGenerator(axis=1)) for g in ENGINE.groups]
#[g.set_move_generator(TranslationAlongSymmetryAxisGenerator(axis=2)) for g in ENGINE.groups]
#[g.set_move_generator(RotationAboutSymmetryAxisGenerator(axis=0))    for g in ENGINE.groups]
#[g.set_move_generator(RotationAboutSymmetryAxisGenerator(axis=1))    for g in ENGINE.groups]
#[g.set_move_generator(RotationAboutSymmetryAxisGenerator(axis=2))    for g in ENGINE.groups]
## Molecular constraints are not necessary any more because groups are set to molecules.
## At every engine step a whole molecule is rotate or translated therefore its internal
## distances and properties are safe from any changes. At any time constraints can be
## turn on again using the same method with a True flag. e.g. B_CONSTRAINT.set_used(True)
## run engine and perform stochastic fitting on molecules, saveFrequency=1000)

#   #####################################################################################   #
#   ################################## PLOT CONSTRAINTS #################################   #
B_CONSTRAINT.plot(lineWidth=2, nbins=20,  split='element', show=False)
BA_CONSTRAINT.plot(lineWidth=2, nbins=20, split='element', show=False)
IA_CONSTRAINT.plot(lineWidth=2, nbins=20, split='element', show=True )

The result shown in the figures herein is obtained by running fullrmc Engine for several hours on molecular groups. Position optimization is achieved by using a RecursiveGroupSelector to refine every selected group position and alternating groups move generators. RotationAboutSymmetryAxisGenerator is used to fit the ring orientation, then TranslationAlongSymmetryAxisGenerator is used to translate molecules along meaningful directions. At the end, reset groups to single atom index and RandomSelector is used to select groups randomly. the Engine is run for additional several hours to refine atoms positions separately.


a) Structure containing 800 Tetrahydrofuran randomly generated.


b) Initial pair distribution function calculated before any fitting.


c) pair distribution function calculated after about 20 hours of Engine runtime.


Engine is fullrmc’s main module. It contains ‘Engine’ the main class of fullrmc which is the stochastic artist. The engine class takes only Protein Data Bank formatted files ‘.pdb’ as atomic/molecular input structure. It handles and fits simultaneously many experimental data while controlling the evolution of the system using user-defined molecular and atomistic constraints such as bond-length, bond-angles, dihedral angles, inter-molecular-distances, etc.

class fullrmc.Engine.InterceptHook(path, password=None)

Bases: object

Engine runtime intercept hook. This can be used by a thread or another process to intercept a running stochastic engine to do different actions such as stop, save, export a pdb file or reset the standard error.

Calling InterceptHook methods on a non-running engine won’t do any action.

  1. path (string): Engine repository path
  2. password (string): Engine repository password. If None, default value will be given hoping that the running engine repository password is also the default one. Otherwise the hook connection will fail.

From a different python process, run the following code to handle a hook of a running engine.

# import fullrmc's InterceptHook
from fullrmc import InterceptHook

# create hook
hook = InterceptHook(path='my_engine.rmc')

# safely force stopping running engine

# safely force saving running engine

# safely export a pdb file of the current engine structure status

# safely reset standard error during engine runtime

stop a running engine


force saving a running engine


export a pdb of the current state of a running engine


reset a running engine total standard error

classmethod get_engine_hook(engine)

Get engine instance intercept hook

classmethod clear(engine)

release all unexecuted hooks from engine

class fullrmc.Engine.Engine(path=None, logFile=None, freshStart=False, timeout=10, password=None)

Bases: object

fulrmc’s engine, is used to launch a stochastic modelling which is different than traditional Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC). It has the capability to use and fit simultaneously multiple sets of experimental data. One can also define constraints such as distances, bonds length, angles and many others.

  1. path (None, string): Engine repository (directory) path to save the engine. If None is given path will be set when saving the engine using method. If a non-empty directory is found at the given path an error will be raised unless freshStart flag attribute is set to True.
  2. logFile (None, string): Logging file basename. A logging file full name will be the given logFile appended ‘.log’ extension automatically. If None is given, logFile is left unchanged.
  3. freshStart (boolean): Whether to remove any existing fullrmc engine at the given path if found. If set to False, an error will be raise if a fullrmc engine or a non-empty directory is found at the given path.
  4. timeout (number): The maximum delay or time allowed to successfully set the lock upon reading or writing the engine repository
  5. password (None, string): Engine repository password. If None, default value will be given.
# import engine
from fullrmc.Engine import Engine

# create engine
ENGINE = Engine(path='my_engine.rmc')

# set pdb file

# Add constraints ...
# Re-define groups if needed ...
# Re-define groups selector if needed ...
# Re-define moves generators if needed ...

# save engine

# run engine for 10000 steps and save only at the end, saveFrequency=10000)
codify(export='', name='ENGINE', engineSaveName='engine.rmc', frames=None, addDependencies=True)

Codify engine full state to a code that once executed it will regenerate and and save the engine on disk. This is a better alternative to transfering engine from one system to another. The generated code is python 2 and 3 compatible and operating system safe allowing to get an executable code to regenerate the engine.

  1. export (None, str): file to write generated codified engine code. If string is given, it’s the file path
  2. name (str): engine variable name in the generate code
  3. engineSaveName (None,str): directory path to save engine upon executing the codified engine code
  4. frames (None, str, list): the list of frames to codify. At least one traditional frame must be given. If None, all frames will be codified.
  5. addDependencies (bool): whether to add imports dependencies to the generated code header. Dependencies will always be added to the code header in the exported file.
  1. dependencies (list): list of dependencies import strings
  2. code (str): the codified engine code

Engine’s repository path if set or save.


Stochastic engine version.


Stochastic engine information (version, id) tuple.


Stochastic engine frames list copy.


List of engine traditional frames name and multiframes path.


Stochatic engine frame in use.


The last moved group instance index in groups list.


The last moved group instance.


The last moved atoms index.


Engine’s state.


Number of generated moves.


Removed atoms tuple (tried, accepted, ratio)


Number of tried moves.


Number of accepted moves.


Number of tolerated steps in spite of increasing totalStandardError


Tolerance in percent.


Engine’s defined groups list.


Engine’s pdbparser instance.


Engine’s boundaryConditions instance.


Whether boundaryConditions are periodic.


Whether boundaryConditions are infinte.


The boundary conditions basis vectors in case of PeriodicBoundaries, None in case of InfiniteBoundaries.


The boundary conditions reciprocal basis vectors in case of PeriodicBoundaries, None in case of InfiniteBoundaries.


The boundary conditions basis volume in case of PeriodicBoundaries, None in case of InfiniteBoundaries.


The real coordinates of the current configuration.


The box coordinates of the current configuration in case of PeriodicBoundaries. Similar to realCoordinates in case of InfiniteBoundaries.


Number of molecules.


Atoms molecule index list.


Atoms molecule name list.


Atoms element index list indexing elements sorted set.


Sorted set of all existing atom elements.


Atoms element list.


Atoms name index list indexing names sorted set


Sorted set of all existing atom names.


Atoms name list.


Length of atoms name set.


Number of atoms in the pdb.


Number of atoms per name dictionary.


Number of different elements in the pdb.


Number of atoms per element dictionary.


System’s number density computed as \(\rho_{0}=\frac{N}{V}\) where N is the total number of atoms and V the volume of the system.


Copy list of all constraints instances.


Engine’s group selector instance.


Engine’s last recorded totalStandardError of the current configuration.


Timeout to successfully acquire the lock upon reading or writing to the repository


Set repository access timeout

  1. timeout (number): The maximum delay or time allowed to successfully set the lock upon reading or writing the engine repository
get_original_data(name, frame=None)

Get original data as initialized and parsed from pdb.

  1. name (string): Data name.
  2. frame (None, string): get original data of a particular frame. If None, engine used frame will be used
  1. value (object): Data value
is_engine(path, repo=False, mes=False, safeMode=True)

Get whether a fullrmc engine is stored in the given path.

  1. path (string): The path to fetch.
  2. repo (boolean): Whether to return repository if an engine is found. Otherwise None is returned.
  3. mes (boolean): Whether to return explanatory message.
  1. result (boolean): The fetch result, True if engine is found False otherwise.
  2. repo (pyrep.Repository): The repository instance. This is returned only if ‘repo’ argument is set to True.
  3. message (string): The explanatory message. This is returned only if ‘mes’ argument is set to True.
  4. safeMode (boolean): whether to acquire the lock upon loading. this is not necessary unless another process is writing the to the repository at the same time
save(path=None, copyFrames=True)

Save engine to disk.

  1. path (None, string): Repository path to save the engine. If path is None, engine’s path will be used. If path and engine’s path are both None, and error will be raised.
  2. copyFrames (boolean): If path is None, this argument is discarded. This argument sets whether to copy all frames data to the new repository path. If path is not None and this argument is False, Only used frame data will be copied and other frames will be discarded in new engine.

N.B. If path is given, it will automatically update engine’s path to point towards given path.

load(path, safeMode=True)

Load and return engine instance. None of the current engine attribute will be updated. must be used as the following:

# import engine
from fullrmc.Engine import Engine

# create engine
ENGINE = Engine().load(path)
  1. path (string): Directory path to save the engine.
  2. safeMode (boolean): whether to acquire the lock upon loading. this is not necessary unless another process is writing the to the repository at the same time
  1. engine (Engine): Engine instance.

Set the log file basename.

  1. logFile (None, string): Logging file basename. A logging file full name will be the given logFile appended ‘.log’ extension automatically.

Check whether a given frame exists.

  1. frame (string): Frame name.
  1. result (boolean): True if frame exists False otherwise.
add_frames(frames, create=False)

Add a one or many (multi)frame to engine.

  1. frames (string, dict, list): It can be a string to add a single frame, a dictionary to add a single multiframe or a list of strings and/or dictionaries to add multiple (multi)frames.
  2. create (boolean): adding a frame to engine doesn’t create the frame data in the stochatic engine repository. Frames data are created once frame is used. Setting create to True, forces creating the repository data by copying used frame ones. If used frame is not a traditional frame, create will get automatically reset to False
add_frame(*args, **kwargs)

alias to add_frames


Reset frame data to initial pdb coordinates.

  1. frame (string): The frame name to set.

Get whether a given frame name is a normal frame or a multiframe or a multiframe subframe. If frame does not exist an error will be raised.

  1. frame (string): Frame name or repository relative path
  1. isNormalFrame (boolean): Whether it’s a normal single frame
  2. isMultiframe (boolean): Whether it’s a multiframe
  3. isSubframe (boolean): Whether it’s a multiframe subframe path
set_used_frame(frame, _updateRepo=True)

Switch engine frame.

  1. frame (string): The frame to switch to and use from now on.
  2. _updateRepo (boolean): whether to update repository usedFrame value. Meant to be used internally.
use_frame(*args, **kwargs)

alias to set_used_frame.


Delete frame data from Engine as well as from repository .

  1. frame (string): The frame to delete.
rename_frame(frame, newName)

Rename (multi)frame.

  1. frame (string): The frame to rename.
  2. newName (string): The new name.
export_pdb(path, frame=None)

Export a pdb file of the last refined and saved configuration state.

  1. path (string): the pdb file path.
  2. frame (None, string): Target frame name. If None, engine used frame is used.

Get a pdb instance of the last refined and save configuration state.

  1. frame (None, string): Target frame name. If None, engine used frame is used.
  1. pdb (pdbparser): The pdb instance.

Set engine’s runtime tolerance value.

  1. tolerance (number): The runtime tolerance parameters. It’s the percentage [0,100] of allowed unsatisfactory ‘tried’ moves.
set_group_selector(selector, frame=None)

Set engine’s group selector instance.

  1. selector (None, GroupSelector): The GroupSelector instance. If None is given, RandomSelector is set automatically.
  2. frame (None, string): Target frame name. If None, engine used frame is used.

Clear all engine’s defined groups.


Remove groups by instance, name or index

  1. groups (integer, string, Group, list): groups to remove, this can be a specific group index, or a group name or a group instance or a list of all of those
add_group(g, name=None, _check=True)

Add a group to engine’s groups list.

  1. g (Group, integer, list, set, tuple numpy.ndarray): Group instance, integer, list, tuple, set or numpy.ndarray of atoms index.
  2. name (None, string): group name. If g is a Group instance, Group.set_name will be called if given name is not None. If g is not a Group instance and name is None it will automatically changed to ‘group’.
  3. _check (boolean): meant to be used internally
set_groups(groups, name='group', add=False, _check=True)

Set engine’s groups.

  1. groups (None, Group, list): A single Group instance or a list, tuple, set of any of Group instance, integer, list, set, tuple or numpy.ndarray of atoms index that will be set one by one by set_group method. If None is given, single atom groups of all atoms will be all automatically created which is the same as using set_groups_as_atoms method.
  2. name (None, string, list): groups name. If string is given, the same name will be given to all groups. If list is given, it must have the same length as the number of given groups
  3. add (boolean): whether to newly generated groups to old ones
  4. _check (boolean): meant to be used internally
add_groups(groups, name=None, _check=True)

Add groups to engine.

  1. groups (Group, list): Group instance or list of groups, where every group must be a Group instance or a numpy.ndarray of atoms index of type numpy.int32.
  2. name (None, string, list): groups name. If string is given, the same name will be given to all groups. If list is given, it must have the same length as the number of given groups
  3. _check (boolean): meant to be used internally

THIS METHOD WILL BE DEPRECATED. Must use ‘set_groups’ instead with ‘add’ flag set to True

set_groups_as_atoms(name='atom', add=False)

Automatically creates groups as single atom group for all atoms. If add is True, created groups will be added to engine existing ones otherwise old groups will be removed.

  1. name (string, list): groups name. If string is given, the same name will be given to all groups. If list is given, it must have the same length as the number of molecules in the system
  2. add (boolean): whether to newly generated groups to old ones
set_groups_as_molecules(name='molecule', add=False)

Automatically create molecular groups of atom indexes according to molecules indexes. If add is True, created groups will be added to engine existing ones otherwise old groups will be removed.

  1. name (string, list): groups name. If string is given, the same name will be given to all groups. If list is given, it must have the same length as the number of molecules in the system
  2. add (boolean): whether to newly generated groups to old ones
set_pdb(pdb, boundaryConditions=None, names=None, elements=None, moleculesIndex=None, moleculesName=None)

Set used frame pdb configuration. Engine and constraints data will be automatically reset but not constraints definitions. If pdb was already set and this is a resetting to a different atomic configuration, with different elements or atomic order, or different size and number of atoms, constraints definitions must be reset manually. In general, their is no point in changing the atomic configuration of a completely different atomic nature. It is advisable to create a new engine from scratch or redefining all constraints definitions.

  1. pdb (pdbparser, string, list): the configuration pdb as a pdbparser instance or a path string to a pdb file or a list of pdb lines.
  2. boundaryConditions (None, InfiniteBoundaries, PeriodicBoundaries, numpy.ndarray, number): The configuration’s boundary conditions. If None, boundaryConditions will be parsed from pdb if existing otherwise, InfiniteBoundaries with no periodic boundaries will be set. If numpy.ndarray is given, it must be pass-able to a PeriodicBoundaries instance. Normally any real numpy.ndarray of shape (1,), (3,1), (9,1), (3,3) is allowed. If number is given, it’s like a numpy.ndarray of shape (1,), it is assumed as a cubic box of box length equal to number.
  3. names (None, list): Atoms names list. If None is given, names will be calculated automatically by parsing pdb instance.
  4. elements (None, list): Atoms elements list. If None is given, elements will be calculated automatically by parsing pdb instance.
  5. moleculesIndex (None, list, numpy.ndarray): Molecules index list. Must have the length of number of atoms. If None is given, moleculesIndex will be calculated automatically by parsing pdb instance.
  6. moleculesName (None, list): Molecules name list. Must have the length of the number of atoms. If None is given, it is automatically generated as the pdb residues name.
set_boundary_conditions(boundaryConditions, _broadcast=True)

Sets the configuration’s boundary conditions. Any type of periodic or infinite boundary conditions is allowed and not restricted to cubic. Engine and constraints data will be automatically reset. Number density will be automatically calculated upon setting boundary conditions. In the case where inifinite boundaries are set, which is needed to simulate isolated atomic systems such as nano-particles, the volume is theoretically infinite and therefore number density must be 0. But experimentally the measured samples are diluted in solvants and the actual number density must be the experimental one. To avoid numerical instabilities, number density will be automatically set to water’s one equal to 0.0333679 and volume will be adjusted to the ratio of number of atoms devided to the given water number density. If this number is not accurate, user can always set the appropriate number density using the stochastic engine ‘set_number_density’ method

  1. boundaryConditions (None, InfiniteBoundaries, PeriodicBoundaries, numpy.ndarray, number): The configuration’s boundary conditions. If None, InfiniteBoundaries with no periodic boundaries will be set. If numpy.ndarray is given, it must be pass-able to a PeriodicBoundaries instance. Normally any real numpy.ndarray of shape (1,), (3,1), (9,1), (3,3) is allowed. If number is given, it’s like a numpy.ndarray of shape (1,), it is assumed as a cubic box of box length equal to number.
  2. _broadcast (boolean): for internal use only

Sets system’s number density. This is used to correct system’s volume. It can only be used with InfiniteBoundaries.

  1. numberDensity (number): Number density value that should be bigger than zero.
set_molecules_index(moleculesIndex=None, moleculesName=None, _broadcast=True)

Set moleculesIndex list, assigning each atom to a molecule.

  1. moleculesIndex (None, list, numpy.ndarray): Molecules index list. Must have the length of the number of atoms. If None is given, moleculesIndex will be calculated automatically by parsing pdb instance.
  2. moleculesName (None, list): Molecules name list. Must have the length of the number of atoms. If None is given, it will be automatically generated as the pdb residues name.
  3. _broadcast (boolean): for internal use only
set_elements_index(elements=None, _broadcast=True)

Set elements and elementsIndex lists, assigning a type element to each atom.

  1. elements (None, list): Elements list. Must have the length of the number of atoms. If None is given, elements will be calculated automatically by parsing pdb instance.
  2. _broadcast (boolean): for internal use only
set_names_index(names=None, _broadcast=True)

Set names and namesIndex list, assigning a name to each atom.

  1. names (None, list): The names list. If None is given, names will be generated automatically by parsing pdbparser instance.
  2. _broadcast (boolean): for internal use only
visualize(frame=None, commands=None, foldIntoBox=False, boxToCenter=False, boxWidth=2, boxStyle='solid', boxColor='yellow', bgColor='black', displayParams=None, representationParams='Lines', otherParams=None)

Visualize the last configuration using pdbparser visualize_vmd method.

  1. frame (None, string): The frame to visualize. If None, used frame will be visualized. If given, frame must be created in repostory.

  2. commands (None, list, tuple): List of commands to pass upon calling vmd.

  3. foldIntoBox (boolean): Whether to fold all atoms into PeriodicBoundaries box before visualization. If boundary conditions are InfiniteBoundaries then nothing will be done.

  4. boxToCenter (boolean): Translate box center to atom coordinates center.

  5. boxWidth (number): Visualize the simulation box by giving the lines width. If 0 or boundary conditions are InfiniteBoundaries then nothing is visualized.

  6. boxStyle (str): The box line style, it can be either solid or dashed. If boundary conditions are InfiniteBoundaries then nothing will be done.

  7. boxColor (str): Choose the simulation box color. If boundary conditions are InfiniteBoundaries then nothing will be done. available colors are:

    blue, red, gray, orange, yellow, tan, silver, green, white, pink, cyan, purple, lime, mauve, ochre, iceblue, black, yellow2, yellow3, green2, green3, cyan2, cyan3, blue2, blue3, violet, violet2, magenta, magenta2, red2, red3, orange2, orange3.

  8. bgColor (str): Set visualization background color.

  9. displayParams(None, dict): Set display parameters. If None is given, default parameters will be applied. If dictionary is given, the following keys can be used.

    • ‘depth cueing’ (default True): Set the depth cueing flag.
    • ‘cue density’ (default 0.1): Set the depth density.
    • ‘cue mode’ (default ‘Exp’): Set the depth mode among ‘linear’, ‘Exp’ and ‘Exp2’.
  10. representationParams(str): Set representation method among the following:

    Lines, Bonds, DynamicBonds, HBonds, Points, VDW, CPK, Licorice, Beads, Dotted, Solvent.

    Add parameters accordingly if needed like the following.

    • Points representation accept only size parameter e.g. ‘Points 5’
    • CPK representation can accept respectively 4 parameters as the following ‘Sphere Scale’, ‘Bond Radius’, ‘Sphere Resolution’, ‘Bond Resolution’ e.g. ‘CPK 1.0 0.2 50 50’
    • VDW representation can accept respectively 2 parameters as the following ‘Sphere Scale’, ‘Sphere Resolution’ e.g. ‘VDW 0.7 100’
  11. otherParams(None, list, set, tuple): Any other parameters in a form of a list of strings.

    e.g. [‘display resize 700 700’, ‘rotate x to 45’, ‘scale to 0.02’, ‘axes location off’]

add_constraints(constraints, allSubframes=False)

Add constraints to the engine. If used frame is a normal frame, all other normal frames will have the constraints added. If used frame is a subframe, all other subframes of the same multiframe will have the experimental constraints added to. But given non-experimental constraints will be only added to the used frame.

  1. constraints (Constraint, list, set, tuple): A constraint instance or list of constraints instances
  2. allSubframes (boolean): Whether to also add non-experimental constraints to all other multiframe subframes in case engine used frame is a multiframe subframe.
remove_constraints(constraints, allSubframes=False)

Remove constraints from engine list of constraints.

  1. constraints (Constraint, list, set, tuple): A constraint instance or list of constraints instances.
  2. allSubframes (boolean): Whether to also remove non-experimental constraints from all other multiframe subframes in case engine used frame is a multiframe subframe.

Reset used normal frame constraints flags.


Re-initialize engine and resets constraints flags and data.

compute_total_standard_error(constraints, current='standardError')

Compute the total standard error as the sum of all constraints’ standard error.

\[\chi^{2} = \sum \limits_{i}^{N} (\frac{stdErr_{i}}{variance_{i}})^{2}\]


\(variance_{i}\) is the variance value of the constraint i.

\(stdErr_{i}\) the standard error of the constraint i defined as \(\sum \limits_{j}^{points} (target_{i,j}-computed_{i,j})^{2} = (Y_{i,j}-F(X_{i,j}))^{2}\)

  1. constraints (list): All constraints used to calculate total totalStandardError.
  2. current (str): which standard error to use. can be anything like standardError, afterMoveStandardError or amputatedStandardError, etc.
  1. totalStandardError (list): The computed total total standard error.

Compute and set engine’s total totalStandardError of used constraints.


Parses all engine’s constraints and returns different lists of the active (used) ones.

  1. sortConstraints (boolean): Whether to sort used constraints according to their computation cost property. This is can minimize computations and enhance performance by computing less costly constraints first.
  1. usedConstraints (list): All types of active constraints instances that are used at engine’s runtime.
  2. constraints (list): All active constraints instance among usedConstraints list that will contribute to engine’s totalStandardError.
  3. RigidConstraint (list): All active RigidConstraint constraints instance among usedConstraints list that won’t contribute engine’s totalStandardError.
initialize_used_constraints(force=False, sortConstraints=False)

Calls get_used_constraints method, re-initializes constraints when needed and return them all.

  1. force (boolean): Whether to force initializing constraints regardless of their state.
  2. sortConstraints (boolean): Whether to sort used constraints according to their computation cost property. This is can minimize computations and enhance performance by computing less costly constraints first.
  1. usedConstraints (list): All types of active constraints instances that are used at engine’s runtime.
  2. constraints (list): All active constraints instance among usedConstraints list that will contribute to engine’s totalStandardError.
  3. RigidConstraint (list): All active RigidConstraint constraints instance among usedConstraints list that won’t contribute engine’s totalStandardError.
run(numberOfSteps=100000, sortConstraints=True, saveFrequency=1000, frame=None, xyzFrequency=None, xyzPath='', restartPdb='restart.pdb', ncores=None)

Run stochastic fitting engine.

  1. numberOfSteps (integer): The number of steps to run.
  2. sortConstraints (boolean): Whether to sort used constraints according to their computation cost property. This is can minimize computations and enhance performance by computing less costly constraints first.
  3. saveFrequency (integer): Save engine every saveFrequency steps. Save will be omitted if no moves are accepted.
  4. xyzFrequency (None, integer): Save coordinates to .xyz file every xyzFrequency steps regardless if totalStandardError has decreased or not. If None is given, no .xyz file will be generated.
  5. xyzPath (string): Save coordinates to .xyz file.
  6. restartPdb (None, string): Export a pdb file of the last configuration at the end of the run. If None is given, no pdb file will be exported. If string is given, it should be the full path of the pdb file.
  7. ncores (None, integer): set the number of cores to use. If None is given, ncores will be set automatically to 1. This argument is only effective if fullrmc is compiled with openmp.
plot_constraints(frame=None, constraintsID=None, plotKwargs=None)

Plot constraints


random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).

This module provides all the global types, variables and some general methods that fullrmc needs.


  1. INT_TYPE: The integer data type adopted by fullrmc.
  2. FLOAT_TYPE: The floating data type adopted by fullrmc.


  1. PRECISION: The floating data type precision variable.
  2. FLOAT_PLUS_INFINITY: The floating data type maximum possible number.
  3. FLOAT_MINUS_INFINITY: The floating data type minimum possible number.
  4. INT_PLUS_INFINITY: The integer data type maximum possible number.
  5. INT_MINUS_INFINITY: The integer data type minimum possible number.
  6. PI: pi the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
class fullrmc.Globals.Logger(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pysimplelog.SimpleLog.SingleLogger


Custom initialize abstract method. This method will be called at the end of initialzation. This method needs to be overloaded to custom initialize Logger instances.

  1. *args (): This is used to send non-keyworded variable length argument list to custom initialize.
  2. **kwargs (): This is keyworded variable length of arguments. kwargs can be anything other than __init__ arguments.

alias to message at fixed level


alias to message at move accepted level


alias to message at move rejected level


alias to message at move not tried level


alias to message at save engine level


alias to message at implement engine level


alias to message at usage engine level


alias to message at usage engine level


alias to message at setting engine level


alias to message at report engine level