Best practices

fullrmc’s learning curve is very steep if one understands basic python and some golden rules to setting and running the stochastic engine. The best way to creating and running a fullrmc fit is to create a run python script and launch it from the terminal.

Atomic system

The first and most important step in fullrmc is to provide a complete pdb file containing all necessary atomic system information. One must not underestimate the importance of preparing a pdb file with all atomic and molecular information. There is always a programatic way in fullrmc to fix the structure, but it would make one’s life easier if the pdb file contains all the needed information. One should make sure to provide correct and coherent residue name, sequence number and segment identifier all of which will be used by fullrmc to parse and separate between molecules. All atoms name must be unique within the same molecule and all elements must be correctly set. for more information about pdb files please click here.

The second thing to take care of is the boundary conditions definition. Boundary conditions define the box size and therefore the density of the modeled system. Box size can be set as a REMARK in the pdb file or set using fullrmc’s stochastic engine set_boundary_conditions method. Two general types of boundary conditions exist. Periodic boundary conditions with a defined system box size and shape. Infinite boundary conditions with a non-defined box emulating an isolated atomic system.

The third thing one might need to fix is the density of the system but only when working with infinite boundary conditions. In this case, fullrmc’s stochastic engine set_number_density method should be used to set system’s density.

Adding constraints

The fourth thing to do is to define and set stochastic engine constraints. Constraints are the engine’s rules to fitting the atomic system. Constraints can be defined at any time and added to the engine. At any time a constraint can be removed from the engine or set as used or unused using constraint set_used method. Available constraints in the fullrmc’s standard distribution can be found here.

A constraint must be initialized, added to the engine so it’s aware of the atomic system and then configured like the following:

# Import needed constraints definition from fullrmc.Constraints package
from fullrmc.Constraints.PairDistributionConstraints import PairDistributionConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.BondConstraints import BondConstraint

# Initialize constraints
PDF  = PairDistributionConstraint(experimentalData=dataPath)
BOND = BondConstraint()

# Add initialized constraints to the stochastic engine instance ENGINE
ENGINE.add_constraints([PDF, BOND])

# At this level constraints are added to the engine and they are
# aware of the atomic structure. Now it's possible to configure
# constraints and create atomic and molecular definitions such as
# bonds definitions of the molecules
BOND.create_bonds_by_definition( bondsDefinition={"MOL1": [('C1','H1' , 0.9, 1.15),
                                                           ('C1','H2' , 0.9, 1.15),
                                                           ('C1','H3' , 0.9, 1.15)],
                                                  "MOL2": [('O', 'H1' , 0.7, 1.10),
                                                           ('O', 'H2' , 0.7, 1.10)] })

In the above example, two molecules ‘MOL1’ and ‘MOL2’ atomic bonds are defined. This is possible only because the atomic system pdb file is complete and therefore fullrmc is able to parse molecules and identify atoms name.

Defining groups

The fifth step is re-defining groups if needed. By default atomic groups are set like one group per atom where each group contains a single atom index. One should not be afraid to alternate, remove and add new groups to the stochastic engine. Because atomic system pdb file is well configured, fullrmc’s stochastic methods such as set_groups_as_molecules can be used to automatically remove all defined groups and add molecular groups where each group contains all atoms of a single molecule. On the other hand, to customize more complex groups, one can do that by writing some python code as the following:

# Import Group definition from fullrmc
from fullrmc.Core.Group import Group

# Create a group of atoms with random indexes for the sake of the example
G = Group(indexes=[10,0,1,25,33,5])

# Add group to Engine's instance ENGINE
ENGINE.add_group( G )

One can create as many groups as needed and add them to the stochastic engine just like the above example. Other engine group methods such as clear_groups, add_group, set_groups, set_groups_as_atoms and set_groups_as_molecules, etc. also exist to be used as needed.

Defining move generators

The sixth step is to define groups way of moving. Random translation move generator is set my default to every new group instance. To customize a group move generator one should do the following.

# Import definitions
from fullrmc.Core.Group import Group
from fullrmc.Generators.Rotations import RotationGenerator

# Create a group of atoms with random indexes for the sake of the example
G = Group( indexes=[10,0,1,25,33,5] )

# Assuming random rotation of 10 deg. maximum amplitude is needed
G.set_move_generator( RotationGenerator(amplitude=10) )

# Add group to Engine's instance ENGINE
ENGINE.add_group( G )

fullrmc’s stochastic engine groups can be accessed using engine’s groups attribute and all Group method can be applied.

# Import definitions
from fullrmc.Generators.Rotations import RotationGenerator

# loop over groups and set move generator
for G in ENGINE.groups:
    G.set_move_generator( RotationGenerator(amplitude=10) )

Running stochastic engine

The seventh and last step is running fullrmc’s stochastic engine. This can be as simple as calling engine’s run method. run method takes several arguments to allow customization.

Creating running script

fullrmc is designed to model complex atomic and molecular system. We believe that one should be able to interact with the atomic system and torture out useful insights when doing the stochastic modeling. For this particular reason creating a run, plot and visualize scripts is very useful to do so.n script example for Nickel-Titanium alloy.

# Import operating system package
import os

# Import fullrmc's stochastic engine
from fullrmc.Engine import Engine

# Import needed constraints
from fullrmc.Constraints.PairDistributionConstraints import PairDistributionConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.DistanceConstraints import InterMolecularDistanceConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.AtomicCoordinationConstraints import AtomicCoordinationNumberConstraint
from fullrmc.Constraints.StructureFactorConstraints import ReducedStructureFactorConstraint

# Import needed move generators
from fullrmc.Generators.Swaps import SwapPositionsGenerator

# Create script global variables
ENGINE_PATH = "ni-ti_engine"
PDF_PATH    = ""
PDB_PATH    = "ni-ti_structure.pdb"

# Check whether stochastic engine is already created at ENGINE_PATH
created = Engine(path=None).is_engine(ENGINE_PATH)

# Create engine if this is the first run or starting fresh engine is requested
if not created or FRESH_START:
    # Create and instantiate stochastic engine

    # Set atomic structure pdb file

    # Create constraints
    PDF = PairDistributionConstraint(experimentalData=PDF_PATH, weighting="atomicNumber")
    IMD = InterMolecularDistanceConstraint(defaultDistance=2.2, flexible=True)
    ACN = AtomicCoordinationNumberConstraint()

    # Add constraints to the stochastic engine

    # Customize constraints
    ACN.set_coordination_number_definition( [ ('ti','ti',2.5, 3.5, 4, 8),
                                              ('ti','ni',2.2, 3.1, 6, 10),
                                              ('ni','ni',2.5, 3.5, 4, 8),
                                              ('ni','ti',2.2, 3.1, 6, 10) ] )

    # save engine to disk

# If engine is already created, load saved engine

    # unpack constraints so later in the script they can be tweaked if needed
    PDF,IMD,ACN = ENGINE.constraints

# Define run functions that can be called later to start stochastic engine
def run_normal(nsteps, saveFrequency):
    # Set groups as atoms

    # This run mode has all groups as atoms and all move generators
    # as random translation. This mode is very similar to traditional
    # Eeverse Monte Carlo.
    # Run stochastic engine, saveFrequency=saveFrequency)

def run_swap(nsteps, saveFrequency):
    # Set swapping move generators Ni-->Ti and Ti-->Ni
    # Set groups as atoms

    # Get all atoms element list to use and identify atomic elements
    allElements = ENGINE.allElements

    # Get all Nickel atoms index
    niSwapList = [[idx] for idx in range(len(allElements)) if allElements[idx]=='ni']

    # Get all Titanium atoms index
    tiSwapList = [[idx] for idx in range(len(allElements)) if allElements[idx]=='ti']

    # Create swap generator from Titanium to Nickel
    toNiSG = SwapPositionsGenerator(swapList=niSwapList)

    # Create swap generator from Nickel to Titanium
    toTiSG = SwapPositionsGenerator(swapList=tiSwapList)

    # Set swap generator to groups
    for g in ENGINE.groups:
        # Get group atom index
        atomIndex = g.indexes[0]
        # Check whether group's atom is Nickel or Titanium
        # Set Swap to Titanium Nickel atoms
        if allElements[atomIndex]=='ni':
        # Set Swap to Nickel Titanium atoms
        elif allElements[atomIndex]=='ti':

    # Run stochastic engine, saveFrequency=saveFrequency)

# run stochastic engine
run_normal(nsteps=100000, saveFrequency=10000)
run_swap(nsteps=100000, saveFrequency=10000)

More or less run functions can be created depending on the system being studied. At any point in time, one should stop the run script execution and create new run functions or alternate between them, tweak constraints, change groups, and move generators. The reason why we like to adopt this way of setting a stochastic fit is because once it’s set it becomes very easy to run the stochastic engine by simply calling a run function rather than writing and deleting code. We highly recommend copying this exact script every time a new system needs to be studied, change global variables value, add or remove constraints as needed. Look at the examples in the standard distribution, all scripts look very similar to this one. Get inspired by the run functions and their is no shame in copying and adopting a function. script example for Nickel-Titanium alloy. This script can be launched at any time even when the stochastic engine is running. This way one can follow the fitting process and decide whether to proceed, or stop the engine and tweak the fitting parameters, modes, groups or generators.

# Import stochastic engine
from fullrmc import Engine

# Set engine path
ENGINE_PATH = "ni-ti_engine"

# Check whether engine is already saved or not.
ENGINE = Engine(path=None)
result, mes = ENGINE.is_engine(ENGINE_PATH, mes=True)

# If engine exists
if result:
    # load engine
    # unpack constraints
    PDF,IMD,ACN = ENGINE.constraints
    # plot pair distribution constraint
    # plot atomic coordination numberOfSteps
    # plot inter-molecular distance constraint
# if engine not found, print message
    print(mes) script example for Nickel-Titanium alloy. This script can be launched at any time even when the stochastic engine is running. This way one can visualize the atomic configuration system using VMD.

# standard libraries imports
import os

# Import stochastic engine
from fullrmc import Engine

# Set engine path
ENGINE_PATH = "ni-ti_engine"

# Check whether engine is already saved or not.
ENGINE = Engine(path=None)
result, mes = ENGINE.is_engine(ENGINE_PATH, mes=True)

# If engine exists
if result:
    # load engine
    # visualize configuration
    ENGINE.visualize(foldIntoBox=True, representationParams='VDW 0.1 20')
# if engine not found, print message
    print( mes )