Welcome to the next generation 5G and post 5G computing¶
softgrid is a resource orchestration implementation to executing any type of computation on a grid of connected commodity hardware. It’s the perfect hybrid solution to distributing data and computation tasks that allows maximizing data availability and transfer speed without affecting the scalability of the performed calculation. In a world evolving towards extremely low latency and fast data transfer rate network infrastructures (e.g. 5G and post 5G) and abundance of computation resources availability, applications should be enabled to take advantage of such infrastructure and tailor the required performance. softgrid is a very powerful and light weight implementation that allows creating any soft grid structure of executors on any connected grid of computation hardware (local and remote) without the need to configure or install any piece of software on local or remote machines. softgrid is very flexible to the point where any computation graph can be created in short and razor sharp softgrid api calls.
Implementations like softgrid, are the only hope to enable third party entities to leverage and use complex networks (5G and post 5G) with minimal implementation that can be developed on local and personal machines and then indefinitely expanded to the global network without touching a line of code or having to install any piece of software on remote network machines.
softgrid also allows performing embarrassingly parallel independent computations as well as synchronous and asynchronous type of computations on the grid workers. No need to mention that traditional map-reduce jobs are also possible and performed at a breeze
softgrid is not a rigid software infrastructure even at runtime. A user can scale up and down and change the structure of the grid by lunching or disconnecting and shutting down executors or machines.
Finally, softgrid can be used without any effort on any cloud infrastructure and leverage the scalability of the resources real time.
Orchestrator: This is the main executor of the grid and it has to be launched to create the grid. ORCHESTRATOR PROCESS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN HEAVY COMPUTATIONS BUT SHOULD BE USED FOR GRID TRANSACTION PURPOSES
Router: This is a simple routing executor that is used to split and bifurcate the grid and create multiple grid branches and nodes. ROUTER PROCESS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN HEAVY COMPUTATIONS BUT SHOULD BE USED FOR GRID TRANSACTION PURPOSESS
Manager: This is the executor that manages workers. A manager and its workers are supposed to be running on the same physcial machine. MANAGER PROCESS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN HEAVY COMPUTATIONS BUT SHOULD BE USED FOR GRID TRANSACTION PURPOSES
Worker: This is the worker of the grid where heavy computations should be made.
gridUniqueName: Every executor when launched and connected to the grid will get attributed its own and unique grid name which can be accessed using gridUniqueName property of the executor instance. A gridUniqueName is afterall a formatted string of the following format: “role|name@address[pid]:port” where role is the executor type (orchestrator, router, manager, etc.), name is the executor name given by the user upon instanciation, address is the machine ip address, pid is the process id on the machine and port is the port of communication between the executor and its upgrid. When allowed, an executor can transfer data to a target executor on the grid using the target gridUniqueName.
upgrid & downgrid: An executor (let’s call it A) is connected to the grid through another grid executor (let’s call it B). In this case B is the upgrid of A because it connects A to the grid and it’s one executor or one transfer step closer to the orchestrator than A. Every connected executor has a unique upgrid except the Orchestrator that has no upgrid because it’s the main entry to the grid. Keeping the same logic, A is a downgrid of B because because it’s one executor or one transfer step away from the orchestrator than B. Except for workers that are the end point of the grid and have no downgrids, executors can have more than one downgrid but always one upgrid.
bridge: A bridge is a special direct connection between grid distant executors.
gridPath: Every executor has it’s own gridPath that is a list of all directly connected executors gridUniqueName from the orchestrator to the executor itself.
On local machine to scale up computations
On cloud services to leverage hexa-scale computation
By IOT devices connected to fast network (5G and post 5G) to get fast response upon tasks that require heavy computations or on demand distributed data availability

A softgrid grid instance is hardware independant and realtime size adjustable. Using softgrid, connected IOT devices can communicate with the network towers to perform swift low latency computations while getting and pushing updates and computations to cloud services, at home personal devices or to a business data center. For heaving computation demanding tasks, grid nodes and connection bridges can be created and later on decommissioned and destroyed as needed.¶
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softgrid Globals contains all softgrid main global variables including default and machine specific rules.
The easiest way to alter the grid rules is by updating Globals.RULES prior to intializing the Orchestrator.
(*args, **kwargs) Bases:
This will work across the whole application on all machines
(*args, **kwargs) Custom initialize abstract method. This method will be called at the end of initialzation. This method needs to be overloaded to custom initialize Logger instances.
- Parameters
*args (): This is used to send non-keyworded variable length argument list to custom initialize.
**kwargs (): This is keyworded variable length of arguments. kwargs can be anything other than __init__ arguments.
(logType, message, gridUniqueName='role:name@address', utcTime=None, data=None, tback=None)
softgrid Core module contains all executors base implementations and definitions.
(killAtDisconnect=None) Bases:
GridBase declares and handles all general properties of the excutor. Some of the defined properties are only defined in GridBase but must be handled in GridBase children. All os signal hadlers are defined in GridBase. GridBase instanciation is forbidden.
- Parameters
killAtDisconnect (None, Boolean): whether to kill process upon calling disconnect with kill parameters passed as None. and passed kill argument to the called disconnect method is None, then kill will be set to session killAtDisconnect boolean value and if the latter is None then it will be set to True if session is not interactive
Whether the excutor was disconnected
return killAtDisconnect flag value
Application name
Grid path to get to this object for Orchestrator
grid executor grid unique name
Excuctor role which can be Orchestrator, Router, Manger, etc.
Process id
Machine address
Executor communication port number
Whether to smartly fetch for available port
Server communication password
Executor name given by user
get softgrid used version
Unique name given to all grid base instances upon instanciation
Executor instantiation time
Executor instantiation date time
Dictionary copy of downgrid executors server password. e.g.
{'managers': {}, 'routers': {'router|Router@[1234]:5002': 'd3656182-a486-11e8-846c-f45c89c22ebf', 'router|Router@emote.machine.com[1235]:5000': 'f206112c-a486-11e8-9cf5-fa163ecc0309'}, 'workers': {}}
Copy of executors grid unique path. e.g.
{'manager': {}, 'router' : {'router|Router@[1234]:5002': ['orchestrator|Orchestrator@[1236]:5001'], 'router|Router@emote.machine.com[1235]:5000': ['orchestrator|Orchestrator@[1236]:5001']}, 'worker' : {}}
Downgrid routers grid unique name sorted by ‘downgrid_acknowledge_utctime’
Downgrid managers grid unique name sorted by ‘downgrid_acknowledge_utctime’
Downgrid workers grid unique name sorted by ‘downgrid_acknowledge_utctime’
() Abruptly Kill executor by sending os kill signal. Calling kill result in forcefully stopping current process python execution and all executor’s downgrid will disconnect from grid. Unline disconnect, no cleanup will be made upon calling kill. All temporary files must be later manually removed. Better to always call disconnect before kill
(kill=None, killLocalDowngrids=True) Disconnect executor from grid. All downgrids will be disconnected as well and those running on the same machine will be terminated with an os kill signal automatically if killLocalDowngrids is set to True. If running in non-interactive mode, an executor will kill itself upon disconnecting from grid. Interactive mode is True if executor is launched from a user terminal.
- Parameters
kill (None, Boolean): whether to kill process. If None is given then kill will be set to session killAtDisconnect boolean value and if the latter is None then it will be set to True if session is not interactive
killLocalDowngrids (boolean): whether to os signal kill locally running downgrids
(logType, message, tback=None, *args, **kwargs) Template method to log and transfer logging to upgrid chain. Calling this template will result in printing log message and traceback to standard output only. Full log and transfer implementation is defined in TransferBase.
- Parameters
logType (string): the log type e.g. info
message (string): the log message
tback (None, str): the log traceback
(receiver, logType, message, tback=None, *args, **kwargs) This is a template method that is meant to transfer a certain log to a different executor and start the logging chain at that executor. This template implementation will simply call ‘log_and_transfer’ and it is overloaded in TransferBase
- Parameters
receiver (string): executor grid unique name to transfer log to
logType (string): the log type e.g. info
message (string): the log message
tback (None, str): the log traceback
(gridUniqueName) Split grid unique name into its different components. Raises an error if provided grid unique name is not formatted right.
- Parameters
gridUniqueName (str): grid unique name
- Returns
role (str): grid executor role
name (str): grid executor name
address (str): grid executor machine address
pid (int): grid executor machine process PID
port (int): grid executor server machine assigned port
(name, obj, replace=True) Add object to grid executor
- Parameters
name (string): object name
obj (dict, string): object in string dumps format or a dictionary of ‘object’ key and string dumps format value and ‘loads’ key with loads module name ‘cPickle’,’pickle’ or ‘dill’
replace (boolean): Whether to replace data when existing
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Operation success or failure status.
(name, default=None, serialize=False, mustExist=True) Get object from grid executor
- Parameters
name (string): object name
default (object): default object to return in case data does not exist
serialize (boolean): whether to serialize object prior to returning
mustExist (boolean): whether object name must exist
- Returns
object (object, Collections.SoftgridStatus): object defined under given name. If failed, SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(name, default=None, serialize=False, mustExist=False) Pop and return object from grid executor
- Parameters
name (string): object name
default (object): default value to return in case object does not exist
serialize (boolean): whether to serialize prior to returning
mustExist (boolean): whether object name must exist
- Returns
object (object, Collections.SoftgridStatus): poped object defined under given name. If failed, SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(name, data, replace=True) Add data to grid executor
- Parameters
name (string): data name
data (object): data object
replace (boolean): Whether to replace data when existing
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Operation success or failure status.
(name, default=None, mustExist=True) Get data from grid executor
- Parameters
name (string): data name
default (object): default value to return in case data does not exist
mustExist (boolean): whether data name must exist
- Returns
data (object, Collections.SoftgridStatus): Data object defined under given name. If failed, SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(name, default=None, mustExist=False) Pop and return data from grid executor
- Parameters
name (string): data name
default (object): default value to return in case data does not exist
mustExist (boolean): whether data name must exist
- Returns
data (object, Collections.SoftgridStatus): Poped data object defined under given name. If failed, SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(name, path, data, root='temporary', writeFunc=None, wargs=None, wkwargs=None, readFunc=None, replace=True) Add file to machine local drive given a reference name, path, data, write and read functions.
- Parameters
name (string): file name to refer to during execution.
path (string): relative path to given root in local machine to write file
data (None, object): file data to write to disk using writeFunc or open(path).write mehtod. If None is given, then a file in absolute path must exist. Setting data to None is used to add file to multiple executors in the same machine.
root (None, str): root of path to where to write the file. If None then given path is absolute. Otherwise it must be either ‘’ which is equivalent to None or ‘temporary’ or ‘permanent’ so data path will be relative to respectively temporary or permanent directory.
writeFunc (None, str, dict, callable): writing file function. if given, first argument must be the data and the second argument the file path.
wargs (None, list): write function func list of arguments
wkwargs (None, list): write function func dictionary of keyword arguments
readFunc (None, str, dict, callable): reading file function. If given, first argument must be reserved for the file path.
replace (boolean): Whether to replace file when existing and all file names pointing to the replaced file will be automatically removed.
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Operation success or failure status.
(name, rargs=None, rkwargs=None, default=None, mustExist=True) Get softgrid stored file from local drive.
- Parameters
name (string): file name as refered to in executor.
rargs (None, list): read function func list of arguments
rkwargs (None, list): read function func dictionary of keyword arguments
default (object): Default value to return in case file does not exist
mustExist (boolean): Whether data name must exist
- Returns
data (object): File value as read using open(path).read or using defined readFunc. If failed to getting file SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(name, rargs=None, rkwargs=None, default=None, mustExist=True, delete=False) Pop and return softgrid file data from grid executor.
- Parameters
name (string): file name as refered to in executor.
rargs (None, list): read function func list of arguments
rkwargs (None, list): read function func dictionary of keyword arguments
default (object): default value to return in case file does not exist
mustExist (boolean): whether data name must exist.
delete (boolean): whether to delete file on disk as well
- Returns
fileParams (dictionary, Collections.SoftgridStatus): file parameters with ‘data’ key added. If failed, SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(name, func, firstArgExecutor, replace=True) Add user defined function to grid executor
- Parameters
name (string): user defined function unique name to refer to. If given func is a string definition of the function then name must be the funtion name as defined in the func string
func (callable, string): Callable or function source code to compile.
firstArgExecutor (boolean): Whether func first argument must be the executor object. Executor object is remote therefore it can’t be passed among fargs or fkwargs. This flag allows the executor executing func to pass self as first argument to func followed by *fargs and **fkwargs
replace (boolean): Whether to replace function when existing.
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Operation success or failure status.
(name, default=None, mustExist=True) Get function from grid executor.
- Parameters
name (string): function name.
default (object): default value to return in case function does not exist
mustExist (boolean): whether function name must exist.
- Returns
function (object): Function defined under given name. If failed, SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(name, default=None, mustExist=False) Pop and return function from grid executor.
- Parameters
name (string): Function name
default (object): Default value to return in case function does not exist
mustExist (boolean): Whether function name must exist
- Returns
function (object, Collections.SoftgridStatus): poped function defined under given name. If failed, SoftgridStatus will be returned.
(packageDict, relativeRoot='', description='', sitePackages='temporary', replace=False) Add user defined package or module to importable definitions
- Parameters
packageDict (dictionary): module or package dictionary as created using softgrid.Collection.read_files function.
relativeRoot (string): name of directory (package) under which to store the module or package files. If empty, files and directories will be created directly under site-packages.
description (None, string): some description that will be used as SoftgridStatus return name.
sitePackages (string): designate where to store the package. It must be any ‘temporary’, ‘permanent’, ‘user’ or ‘memory’.
replace (boolean): Whether to replace package or module if existing.
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Operation success or failure status.
(rules=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases:
MachineManagement defines softgrid machines management at every executor. It enables every deployed executor to be aware of its environment and platform. Rules can be set for every machine and deployed softgrid executor. If machine rules are not given, default rules will be applied automatically from softgrid.Globals.RULES dictionary.
In order to customize a grid, it’s preferable to set machine rules before launching any executor.
- Parameters
rules (None, dict): rules and parameters given to local and remote machines.
{'machine_maximum_number_of_managers': 1, 'machine_maximum_number_of_routers': None, 'machine_maximum_number_of_workers': None}
Copy of executor downgrid machines and softgrid executors dictionary. e.g.
{'': {'manager': [], 'machine_number_of_cpu': 8, 'router': ['router|Router@[1234]:5001', 'router|Router@[1235]:5002'], 'worker': []}, 'remote.machine.com': {'manager': [], 'machine_number_of_cpu': 12, 'router': ['router|Router@zremote.machine.com[12345]:5000'], 'worker': []}}
Number of cores on current machine
Executor downgrid machines addresses list
Copy of rules dictionary set by the executor e.g.
{'overload_machine_rules': {}, 'machine_maximum_number_of_managers': 1, 'machine_maximum_number_of_routers': None, 'machine_maximum_number_of_workers': -1, 'execution_allow_negative_priority': True, 'execution_allow_none_priority': True, 'log_manager_kwargs': {'logToFile': False, 'logToStdout': True, 'stdoutMaxLevel': None}, 'log_orchestrator_kwargs': {'logFileBasename': 'softgrid_application_2019-09-26-07-41-36', 'logToFile': False, 'logToStdout': True, 'stdoutMaxLevel': None}, 'log_router_kwargs': {'logToFile': False, 'logToStdout': True, 'stdoutMaxLevel': None}, 'log_worker_kwargs': {'logToFile': False, 'logToStdout': True, 'stdoutMaxLevel': None}, 'orchestrator_allow_managers': True, 'orchestrator_allow_workers': True, 'timeout_long': 20, 'timeout_long_multiplier': 3, 'timeout_short': 5, 'timeout_short_multiplier': 3, 'transfer_collect_sleep_time': 0.001, 'transport_implementation': 'multiprocessing'}
(address) Get copy of machine rules given its address. Default rules are returned if machine rules are not specified
- Parameters
address (str): Machine address.
- Returns
rules (dict): Copy of machine rules dictionary.
(address, rules) Set machine’s rules. If machine is already in grid chain then new rules are tested to see if they are valid with current machine state. If not then rules are rejected.
- Parameters
address (str): Machine address.
rules (dict): Machine new rules. Some of rules keys are:
machine_maximum_number_of_routers (None, integer): Maximum number of routers allowed on machine. If None, then unlimited number of routers can be launched on machine.
machine_maximum_number_of_managers (None, integer): Maximum number of managers allowed on machine. If None, then unlimited number of managers can be launched on machine.
machine_maximum_number_of_workers (None, integer): Maximum number of workers allowed on machine. If None, then as many workers as number of physical cpu cores on machine. If negative integer is given then this will be substracted from machine number of physical cpu cores.
(address) Get machine grid information.
- Parameters
address (str): Machine address.
- Returns
info (dict): Machine information dictionary.
(address) Get remaining allowed number of routers, managers and workers on machine as given in this executor rules
- Parameters
address (str): Machine address.
- Returns
allowed (dict): Machine information dictionary.
{'number_of_routers': 0, 'number_of_managers': 1, 'number_of_workers': 7}
(*args, **kwargs) Bases:
TransferBase inherits MachineManagement and defines all transfer methods, properties and definitions. This class defines all transfer method that allow executors to communicate between each other and allow user to interact with local and remote grid executors. Instanciation of this class is forbidden
() Get downgrids managers receivers and respective workers as bounce list of lists
- Returns
receivers (list): List of downgrid managers grid unique names
bounce (list): List of lists of downgrid workers grid unique names
(func=None, args=None, kwargs=None, priority=1, bounce=None, promisePassword=None, returnResult=True, storeResult=False, resultName=None) Get transfer prefilled dictionary data template.
- Parameters
func (None, str, callable): Function to execute remotely. Default value is None but this will raise an error if not set correctly.
args (None, tuple, list): Function func arguments.
kwargs (None, tuple, list): Function func keyword arguments.
bounce (None, str, list): Bounce is used to bounce transfer to multiple receiver after reaching initial receiver. This is ultimately used to transfer to workers that are managed by the same manager. If not None, bounce must be a list of the same length as the normalized number of receivers. bounce list can contain None, grid unique names of sublists of grid unique names.
priority (None, number): Execution queue priority.
promisePassword (None, str): Execution job promise password.
returnResult (None, str): Whether to execute function ‘func’ on remote executor and return back the result.
storeResult (None, str): Whether to execute function ‘func’ on remote executor and store it on local executor.
resultName (None, str): result handling name. If None, when returnResult is True, returned result will not be stored but logged instead.
- Returns
template (dict): Transfer dictionary prefilled template of all of the following key value pairs:
mode: transfer mode which should be ‘execute’
propagate_upgrid: whether to propage to executor upgrid
propagate_routers: whether to propage to executor downgrid routers
propagate_managers: whether to propage to executor downgrid managers
propagate_workers: whether to propage to executor downgrid workers
propagate_recursive: whether to propagate all the above recursively
bounce_transfer: used to bounce transfer to multiple receivers
function: the callable function or string referencing remote executor callable attribute
first_argument_executor: always None
promise_password: the execution job promise password.
args: function arguments to pass to upon execution
kwargs: function keyword arguments to pass to upon execution
result_handling: dictionary of rules to handling returned value from executed function
priority: job priority in execution queue
# standard library imports import sys # import softgrid orchestrator from softgrid import Orchestrator # instanciate orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='some_password_12345', acceptWorkers=True) # create workers status, ss,fl = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=O.address, executorKwargs=None, machineUser='some_user') for s in status: print(s) # define some function to transfer def power(n,p): return n**p # get transfer template transferKwargs = O.get_transfer_template(func=power, args=(), kwargs={'n':10, 'p':6}, priority=None, promisePassword=None, returnResult=True, storeResult=False, resultName=None) # transfer and execute on a remote worker result = O.transfer(transferKwargs=transferKwargs, receivers=O.workers[-1], collect=True) # print result print(result) >>> [1000000]
(transferTimeout=10, multiplier=3, pathLength=None) Get transfer wait for response timeout calculate using a single transfer timeout ‘transferTimeout’ and number of transfers multiplier.
- Parameters
transferTimeout (number): single transfer wait for result timeout
multiplier (number): timeout multiplier. Wait timeout is calculated as timeout * ceil( pathLength/multiplier )
pathLength (None, integer): number of executor the data will transfer to. If None is given, it’s assumed that the transfer is going upgrid till orchestrator and therefore pathLength will be set to len(self.gridPath)
- Returns
timeout (number): timeout waiting time. calculated as transferTimeout * ceil( transferPath/multiplier )
(pathLength=None) Alias for get_transfer_wait_timeout using transferTimeout=rules[‘timeout_short’] and multiplier=rules[‘timeout_short_multiplier’]
(pathLength=None) Alias for get_transfer_wait_timeout using transferTimeout=rules[‘timeout_long’] and multiplier=rules[‘timeout_long_multiplier’]
(transferKwargs, receivers, allowBridging=True, bounce=None, collect=False, transferTimeout=None, multiplier=9223372036854775807) Transfer executions across the grid using transfer keyword arguments and a set of receivers. Bouncing from a receiver to multiple is possible and adviseable to reduce network usage especially when bouncing is set between a manager and its downgrid workers. Bouncing transfers will have their transfer_unique_id changed at the bouncer receiver to transfer_unique_id +’==>’+ bounce_receiver_grid_unique_name
- Parameters
transferKwargs (dict, list): dictionary of transfer arguments. If list is given, it must be a list of dictionaries of the same length as the normalized number of receivers.
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Receivers list will be normalized and expanded whether keywords are used or not. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
allowBridging (None, boolean, list): Whether to allow using connection bridges. If None is given, transferKwargs[‘allow_bridging’] will be used. If list is given it must be a list of None or boolean of the same length as the normalized number of receivers.
bounce (None, str, list): Bounce is used to bounce transfer to multiple receiver after reaching initial receiver. This is ultimately used to transfer to workers that are managed by the same manager. If not None, bounce must be a list of the same length as the normalized number of receivers. bounce list can contain None, grid unique names of sublists of grid unique names.
collect (boolean): Whether to collect and return transfered executions results. This will block interactivity until transfers to all receivers are returned. If transferTimeout is not None, collect will be constrained with the same timeout settings. If a transfer fails, SoftgridStatus will be returned with successful flag set to False, error attribute populated appropriately and data attribute containing transfer kwargs data that can be used used to resend the transfer if needed.
transferTimeout (None, number): transfer result return with timeout. If None is given, then no timeout condition is set for returned result.
multiplier (number, list): timeout multiplier. Wait timeout is calculated as timeout * ceil( len(gridPath)/multiplier )
- Returns
values (Collections.SoftgridStatus, None, list): If any error occurs, Collections.SoftgridStatus with failure flag will be returned. Otherwise, if collect is False, None will be returned. If collect is True, a list of all returned values from all receivers is returned.
# standard library imports from __future__ import print_function import sys, multiprocessing # softgrid imports from softgrid import Orchestrator, Globals # Default settings forbid user to execute his own defined functions # (UDF) on grid's routers and managers. This is meant to prevent # cluttering the network and the machines with work that is only # meant to be ran and managed by grid workers. In this particular # case, for the sake of this example, we need to allow executing UDF # and this can be done by altering some grid default rules. Those # rules must be modified prior to instanciating the orchestrator # Allow executing user defined functions on routers and managers Globals.RULES["router_allow_executing_udf"] = True Globals.RULES["manager_allow_executing_udf"] = True # Allow launching as many managers as one wants on a single machine. # By default it's allowed to launch one manager by machine Globals.RULES['machine_maximum_number_of_managers'] = None # create orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='nopassword', acceptWorkers=False) ## launch four local routers status, routers, fl = O.launch_router(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*4, executorKwargs=None, machineUser='some_user') for s in status: print(s) # get routers gridUniqueName routers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in routers] ## launch four local managers status, managers, fl = O.launch_manager(upgridUniqueName=routers[-1], executorAddress=[O.address]*4, executorKwargs=None, machineUser='some_user') for s in status: print(s) # get managers gridUniqueName managers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in managers] ## launch local workers ncpu = O.machineNumberOfCores - 1 status, workers, fl = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=managers[-1], executorAddress=[O.address]*ncpu, executorKwargs=None, machineUser=['some_user']*ncpu) for s in status: print(s) # get workers gridUniqueName workers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in workers] # create a user defined function that takes the # remote executor as it's first argument def get_gun(executor): from datetime import datetime t = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") return "%s --> %s"%(t, executor.gridUniqueName) # create transfer data using helper function get_transfer_template transferKwargs = O.get_transfer_template(func=get_gun, priority=None) # set 'first_argument_executor' flag to true. # This will tell remote executor to pass itself as the funtion first argument transferKwargs['first_argument_executor'] = True # create list of receivers which is a list of all routers, managers # and workers grid unique names receivers = O.routers+O.managers+O.workers # transfer to receivers guns = O.transfer(transferKwargs=transferKwargs, receivers=receivers, collect=True) # print returned results which is a list of strings of the # format timestamp --> gridUniqueName print(guns)
(logType, message, data=None, tback=None, gridUniqueName=None, utcTime=None, transferRoute=None, logLocally=True) Log and transfer log to upgrid executor recursively.
- Parameters
logType (string): The log type
message (string): The logging message
data (object): any type of data to log
tback (None, traceback.extract_stack): The traceback extracted stack
gridUniqueName (string): Grid unique name of log initiator
utcTime (number): Log initial time using time.time() function
logLocally (boolean): Whether to log locally prior to transfer
transferRoute (list): should never be used other than internally
# standard library imports from __future__ import print_function import sys, multiprocessing # softgrid imports from softgrid import Orchestrator # create orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='nopassword', acceptWorkers=True) ## launch local workers ncpu = O.machineNumberOfCores - 1 status, workers, fl = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*ncpu, executorKwargs=None, machineUser=['some_user']*ncpu) for s in status: print(s) # get workers gridUniqueName workers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in workers] # create a user defined function that takes the # remote executor as it's first argument def log_and_get_gun(executor): from datetime import datetime t = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") executor.log_and_transfer(logType='info', message="I'm logging '%s' in my UDF"%t) return "%s --> %s"%(t, executor.gridUniqueName) # create transfer data transferKwargs = O.get_transfer_template(func=log_and_get_gun, priority=None) # set 'first_argument_executor' flag to true. # This will tell remote executor to pass itself as the funtion first argument transferKwargs['first_argument_executor'] = True # create list of receivers which is a list of all workers # gridUniqueName receivers = O.workers # transfer to all receivers guns = O.transfer(transferKwargs=transferKwargs, receivers=receivers, collect=True) # print returned results which is a list of strings of the # format timestamp --> gridUniqueName print(guns)
(receiver, logType, message, tback=None, largs=None, lkwargs=None) Transfer log data to a target executor then log_and_transfer from there.
- Parameters
receiver (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
largs (None, list, tuple): log_and_transfer remaining arguments
lkwargs (None, dict): log_and_transfer remaining keyword arguments.
# standard library imports from __future__ import print_function import sys, multiprocessing # softgrid imports from softgrid import Orchestrator, Globals # allow multiple managers on the same machine. This is not a good # practice but it's ok for the sake of this example Globals.RULES['machine_maximum_number_of_managers'] = None # create orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='nopassword', acceptWorkers=True) ## launch six local routers status, routers,fl = O.launch_router(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*6, executorKwargs=None, machineUser='some_user') for s in status: print(s) # get routers gridUniqueName routers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in routers] ## launch six local managers status, managers, fl = O.launch_manager(upgridUniqueName=routers[-1], executorAddress=[O.address]*6, executorKwargs=None, machineUser='some_user') for s in status: print(s) # get workers gridUniqueName managers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in managers] ## launch local workers connecting directly to orchestrator ncpu = O.machineNumberOfCores - 1 status, workers, fl = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*ncpu, executorKwargs=None, machineUser=['some_user']*ncpu) for s in status: print(s) # get workers gridUniqueName workers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in workers] # create a user defined function that takes the # remote executor as it's first argument def transfer_log_and_get_gun(executor, receivers): import random from datetime import datetime # get time t = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") # get all workers different than this one receivers = [w for w in receivers if w!=executor.gridUniqueName] # select a worker to transfer and log from receiver = random.choice(receivers) # transfer and log m = "I am '%s', transfering my log '%s' to '%s' and initiate the log from there"%(executor.gridUniqueName,t,receiver) executor.transfer_to_executor_and_log(receiver=receiver, logType='info', message=m) # return data return "%s --> %s"%(t, executor.gridUniqueName) # create transfer data transferKwargs = O.get_transfer_template(func=transfer_log_and_get_gun, priority=None, kwargs={'receivers':O.routers+O.managers}) # set 'first_argument_executor' flag to true. # This will tell remote executor to pass itself as the funtion first argument transferKwargs['first_argument_executor'] = True # create list of receivers which is a list of all workers # gridUniqueName receivers = O.workers # transfer to all receivers guns = O.transfer(transferKwargs=transferKwargs, receivers=receivers, collect=True) # print returned results which is a list of strings of the # format timestamp --> gridUniqueName print(guns)
(*args, **kwargs) Bases:
Base implementation to perform synchronous and asynchronous computations over the grid. This is implemented using transfer request methods and wait for request and wait for response methods.
(responder, password, request, timeout=3600, allowedResponders=None, register=True, errorRaise=False, errorLog=True) Transfer a request for a response to responder executor. This can be used as an execution hold for synchronous or asynchronous grid computation until a response is received from a responder grid executor
- Parameters
responder (string, list): responder grid unique name or a list of responders.
password (string, list): request password. If a response to request is received with wrong password it will be refused. If responder is a list of multple items, password must be a list of unique strings
request (object, list): any transferable data that is used as the request. This can be a message or any other data that a responder might need to answer the request. If responder is a multiple items list, request must be a list of the same size
timeout (None, int, float, list): number of seconds to wait for a response. If None is given then Globals.maxint is set. If list is given it must be of the same size as responder
allowedResponders (None, string, list): allowed executors that are allowed to respond to the given request. If None, any executor response will be accepted as long as the password is correct.
register (boolean): whether to register request for response tracking. If False, request won’t ge registered nor tracked for response. This is useful as a last request to responders to stop waiting for requests.
errorRaise (boolean, list): whether to raise an error if when transfering a request a error occured
errorLog (boolean, list): whether to log if request does generate an error
# In this code snippet we will be performing synchronous # computation between the orchestrator and a random worker. # The orchestrator will launch remote_increment function on a # worker. This function will instanciate a variable called # totalSum increment its value by incrementValue constant and # sends it back to the orchestrator as a request for response. # The worker execution will block until orchestrator responds back # with the response for the request. At this time the orchestrator # will be waiting to receive a request from the worker # using wait_for_request method. Upon receiving the request, # the orchestrator will get totalSum value, increments it by # incrementValue and responds it back to the worker which was doing # nothing but waiting for the response back from the orchestrator. # This cycle will be repeated 100 time until finally the # total value is logged using log_and_transfer method. # standard library imports import time, uuid, sys # softgrid imports from softgrid import Orchestrator # create some funky password t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime(time.time())) s = str(uuid.uuid1()) PASSWORD = "%s_%s"%(t,s) # create orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='some_password_12345', acceptWorkers=True) # create local workers ncpu = O.machineNumberOfCores - 1 status, workers, fl = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*ncpu, executorKwargs=None, machineUser=['some_user']*ncpu) for s in status: print(s) # get workers gridUniqueName workers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in workers] # define remote function to execute at the requester side def remote_increment(executor, responder, password, startValue, incrementValue, cycles): import time totalSum = startValue for step in range(cycles): # increment total sum totalSum += incrementValue # send transfer for a response executor.transfer_request_to_responder(responder=responder, password=password, request=totalSum) # wait for response result = executor.wait_for_response(password=password,timeout=20,frequency=0.0005) # get result from responder totalSum = result[password]['response']['value'] # create function to call at orchestrator side which is the # responder's side in this case. this function will transfer # 'remote_increment' to a worker and start request and respond loops def transfer_and_start_respond_to_requests(O=O): # create transfer data transferKwargs = O.get_transfer_template(func=remote_increment) transferKwargs["kwargs"] = {'responder':O.gridUniqueName, 'password':PASSWORD, 'startValue':1, 'incrementValue':1, 'cycles':100} transferKwargs['first_argument_executor'] = True transferKwargs['priority'] = None # transfer remote_increment to worker and start executing remotely O.transfer(transferKwargs=transferKwargs, receivers=O.workers[-1], collect= False) # initiate wait for request on orchestrator startTime = time.time() stepsTime = [] for step in range(100): tic = time.time() # wait for request of certain password request = O.wait_for_request(password=PASSWORD, frequency=0.0005) # get request value and add 1 value = request[PASSWORD]['request'] + 1 # get requester which should be the same as O.workers[-1] requester = request[PASSWORD]['requester'] # respond to requester O.transfer_response_to_requester(requester=requester, password=PASSWORD, response=value) stepsTime.append(time.time()-tic) endTime = time.time() time.sleep(1) # wait for all logs before logging final message message = "Total request and wait for response time for %s back and forth cycles is %.5f sec. (avg/cycle %.5f)"%(100,endTime-startTime, sum(stepsTime)/len(stepsTime)) O.log_and_transfer('info', message) # execute function transfer_and_start_respond_to_requests()
(requester, newResponder, password, response) Transfer a request from one responder to another. This is must be called at the responder side when more information is needed from another executor responder prior to responding back to the requester. This mechanism allows asynchronous calculation on the grid where a worker requester halts execution waiting for a response that might travel between multiple workers before returning back to the requester.
- Parameters
requester (string, list): The original requester grid unique name or a list or original requesters.
newResponder (string, list): New responder to the original request sent by requester. Or a list of new responder of the same size as requester list
password (string, list): request password or a list of passwords if of the same size as requester list
response (object): Any object to transfer to the newRequester. In general this can be the original request or an updated request
# In this code snippet we will be performing asynchronous # computation between a randomly selected requester worker and # the remaining of the workers as responders. # The orchestrator will transfer and execute 'request_function' # at the requester side and will transfer and execute # 'respond_function' at all responders side. # 'request_function' function will loop through all given # NUMBER_OF_CYCLES request for response cycles. The request for # response is set to a randomly selected a responder from the list # of responders. The request received at the responder # side might get transfered to multiple other responders before # returning back to the requester. The execution will be waiting for # all that time because of the called method 'wait_for_response'. # Once the response reaches the requester, the time to get back # the response is calculated, appended to the response and the # cycle loops back to send another request for response. # At the responder side, where 'respond_function' function is # executed, responders are waiting for any request. Once one is # received, a random number is drawn to decide whether to respond # or to transfer to an asynchronous responder at a probability # of ASYNCHRONOUS_PROBA. When a request is transfered more than # MAX_ASYNCHRONOUS_TRANSFERS the responder will respond back to # request without additional asynchronous transfers. # standard library imports import time, uuid, sys, random # softgrid imports from softgrid import Orchestrator, Globals ######################### USER PARAMETERS ########################## MAX_ASYNCHRONOUS_TRANSFERS = 10 # maximum asynchronous request transfer per request ASYNCHRONOUS_PROBA = 0.85 # probability or asynchronous request transfer NUMBER_OF_CYCLES = 200 # this is the total number of requestss ####################### DON'T TOUCH FROM HERE ###################### ## allow machine to accept any number of workers Globals.RULES['machine_maximum_number_of_workers'] = None # create some funky request password t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime(time.time())) s = str(uuid.uuid1()) PASSWORD = "%s_%s"%(t,s) ######################## LAUNCHING THE GRID ######################## # create orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='some_password_12345', acceptWorkers=True) # executor kwargs used here to mute some worker grid log types executorKwargs = {'logKwargs':{'logTypes':{'execution_started': {'stdoutFlag':False, 'fileFlag':False}, 'execution_finished':{'stdoutFlag':False, 'fileFlag':False}, 'result': {'stdoutFlag':False, 'fileFlag':False}, } } } # create local workers status, workers,_ = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*10, executorKwargs=executorKwargs, machineUser=['some_user']*10) for s in status: print(s) # get workers gridUniqueName workers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in workers] # select random requester from the list of workers requester = random.choice(workers) # the remaining of the workers are designated responders responders = [w for w in workers if w != requester] ################### DEFINING REQUESTER FUNCTION #################### def request_function(executor, responders, password, numberfOfCycles): import time, random from datetime import datetime result = [] for step in range(numberfOfCycles): # initiate request data tic = time.time() responder = random.choice(responders) request = {step:[]} # send transfer request executor.transfer_request_to_responder(responder=responder, password=password, request=request) # wait for response response = executor.wait_for_response(password=password,timeout=20,frequency=0.0005) # get response dictionary value response = response[password]['response']['value'] # add total request to response time response['total_time'] = time.time()-tic result.append( response ) # log and transfer cycle step finished tt = response['total_time'] ls = len(response[step]) avg = float(tt)/float(ls) msg = "Finished cycle '%i' in '%.4f' sec. for '%i' asynchronous transfers averaging '%.4f' sec. per transfer"%(step,tt,ls,avg) executor.log_and_transfer(logType='info', message=msg) # send final requests to stop all responders from waiting for requests executor.transfer_request_to_responder(responder=responders, password=[password]*len(responders), request='STOP', register=False) # return result return result ################### DEFINING RESPONDERS FUNCTION ################### def respond_function(executor, requester, responders, password, maxAsynchronousTransfers, asynchronousProba): from datetime import datetime import random responders = [w for w in responders if w != executor.gridUniqueName] while True: request = executor.wait_for_request(password=password, timeout=120, frequency=0.0005) # get request value value = request[password]['request'] # check for request to break if value == 'STOP': executor.log_and_transfer(logType='info', message="Received 'STOP' request. Exiting 'wait_for_request' loop") break k = list(value)[0] value[k].append((executor.gridUniqueName, datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f"))) # if path length is bigger than 10, or random > asynchronousProba then respond back to requester if len(value[k])>=maxAsynchronousTransfers or random.random()>asynchronousProba: executor.transfer_response_to_requester(requester=requester, password=password, response=value) else: gun = random.choice(responders) executor.transfer_asynchronous_request(requester=requester, newResponder=gun, password=password, response=value) ################## TRANSER FUNCTION TO RESPONDERS ################## transferKwargs = O.get_transfer_template(func=respond_function) transferKwargs["kwargs"] = {'requester':requester, 'responders':responders, 'password':PASSWORD, 'maxAsynchronousTransfers':MAX_ASYNCHRONOUS_TRANSFERS, 'asynchronousProba':ASYNCHRONOUS_PROBA} transferKwargs['first_argument_executor'] = True transferKwargs['priority'] = None O.transfer(transferKwargs=transferKwargs, receivers=responders, collect= False) ########## TRANSER FUNCTION REQUESTER AND WAIT FOR RESULT ########## transferKwargs = O.get_transfer_template(func=request_function) transferKwargs["kwargs"] = {'responders':responders, 'password':PASSWORD, 'numberfOfCycles':NUMBER_OF_CYCLES} transferKwargs['first_argument_executor'] = True transferKwargs['priority'] = None # transfer remote_increment to worker and start executing remotely result = O.transfer(transferKwargs=transferKwargs, receivers=requester, transferTimeout= 3600, collect= True) ########################## PLOT HISTOGRAMS ######################### cyclesTime = [[] for _ in range(MAX_ASYNCHRONOUS_TRANSFERS)] firstResponder = dict([(w,0) for w in responders]) asyncResponder = dict([(w,0) for w in responders]) for idx, r in enumerate(result[0]): tt = r['total_time'] rt = r[idx] cyclesTime[len(rt)-1].append(tt) firstResponder[rt[0][0]] += 1 for r in rt[1:]: asyncResponder[r[0]] += 1 # compute averages cyclesAvg = [0 if not len(i) else sum(i)/len(i) for i in cyclesTime] # plot asynchronous transfer time histogram import matplotlib.pyplot as plt _ = plt.figure() _ = plt.bar([i for i in range(1, len(cyclesAvg)+1)], cyclesAvg, .8) _ = plt.xlabel('Number of asynchronous transfers per request') _ = plt.ylabel('Time (sec.)') _ = plt.xticks(range(1,len(cyclesTime)+1)) for i,d in enumerate(cyclesTime): _ = plt.text(x=i+1 , y=cyclesAvg[i] , s=f"{len(d)}" , fontdict=dict(fontsize=10,horizontalalignment='center')) # plot number of transfers per responder _ = plt.figure() wlist = list(firstResponder) _ = plt.bar(range(len(responders)), [firstResponder[k] for k in wlist], 0.8, label='First Responder') _ = plt.bar(range(len(responders)), [asyncResponder[k] for k in wlist], 0.8, bottom=[firstResponder[k] for k in wlist], label='Asynchronous Responder') _ = plt.legend() _ = plt.ylabel('Number of transfers') _ = plt.xticks(range(len(wlist)), range(1,len(wlist)+1)) _ = plt.xlabel('Responders') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
This distribution shows the average time to receive the response for asynchronous request transfers. Y axis is the time in seconds while the X axis the is the number of asynchronous transfers. The numbers on top of each bar are the number of recorded requests corresponding to the bar. e.g. 13 on top of the bar at x=5 means that there was 13 requests that were 5 times asynchronously transfered before reaching the requester¶
This distribution shows the number of transfers per responder. X axis is the 9 responding workers and Y axis is the number of transfers reaching a responder. The blue bars distribution show the number of new requests reaching the first responder. The orange bar distribution is the number of asynchronous request transfer reaching the responders¶
(requester, password, response, blocking=False, errorRaise=False, errorLog=True) Transfer response to a request
- Parameters
requester (string, list): requester grid unique name or a list of requesters.
password (string, list): request password or a list of passwords matching the number of requesters
response (object, list): the response to the request. If list, it must be of the same length as requester list
errorRaise (boolean, list): whether to raise an error if request does not exist or any other error occured while looping responses to requesters
errorLog (boolean, list): whether to log if request does not exist or any other error occured while looping responses to requesters
(password, timeout=60, frequency=0.001) Wait loop for a response for a specific request given the request password
- Parameters
password (string, list): request password or list of requests password
timeout (int, float, list): wait timeout or list of timeout having the same length as password list
frequency (float): loop check for response frequency. This is the sleep time between checks
- Returns
response (dictionary): responses for requests where keys are passwords. A succesfully received response will have ‘response_received_utctime’ value not None
(password, timeout=60, frequency=0.001) Wait loop for a response for a specific request given the request password
- Parameters
password (string, list): request password or list of requests password
timeout (int, float, list): wait timeout or list of timeout having the same length as password list
frequency (float): loop check for response frequency. This is the sleep time between checks
- Returns
request (dictionary): dictionary of requests where keys are passwords. A succesfully received request will have a non None value
(password) Release sent or received request for response from this executor. This should be used when an old request with a long timeout is no more needed or when a response is received but no need to collect it anymore or when a request for response password needs to be recycled. This method will return running ‘wait_for_request’ and ‘wait_for_response’ blocking methods
- Parameters
password (string, list): request for response password. This can be a unique string password or a list of passwords or a list of passwords of the same length as responder list
(gun, password) Release sent or received request for response from this or remote executors. This should be used when an old request with a long timeout is no more needed or when a request for response password needs to be recycled. This method will return running ‘wait_for_request’ and ‘wait_for_response’ blocking methods
- Parameters
gun (string, list): executor grid unique name or a list of executors grid unique name.
password (string, list): request for response password. This can be a unique string password or a list of passwords or a list of passwords of the same length as responder list
(*args, **kwargs) Bases:
(gridUniqueName, transferTimeout=10, multiplier=3) recursively fetch for executor grid path given its grid unique name
- Parameters
gridUniqueName (string): executor grid unique name
transferTimeout (number): Transfer wait timeout
multiplier (number): Transfer timeout grid path length multiplier
- Returns
- # result (dictionary): Dictionary where key is the upgrid grid
unique name which located the requested grid path. If empty then given gridUniqueName was not found and therefore not valid.
(name, obj, receivers, bounce=None, timeout=10, dumps=None, replace=True) Add object to specific receivers. Object must be serializable using cPickle, pickle or dill dumps method. After transfer, object will be revived using cPickle, pickle or dill loads method.
- Parameters
name (string): Object name
obj (object): object that must be pickle, cPickle or dill dumps able
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
bounce (None, str, list): Bounce is used to bounce transfer to multiple receiver after reaching initial receiver. This is ultimately used to transfer to workers that are managed by the same manager. If not None, bounce must be a list of the same length as the normalized number of receivers. bounce list can contain None, grid unique names of sublists of grid unique names.
timeout (None, int, float): Status return timeout. If None is given, status won’t be expected.
dumps (None, string): Dumps method used to serialize. It can be ‘cPickle’, ‘pickle’ or ‘dill’. When None is given ‘cPickle’ then ‘pickle’ and finally ‘dill’ are tried for a successful candiated.
replace (boolean): Whether to replace object when existing
(name, receivers, timeout=10, default=None, mustExist=True) Get object from specific remote receivers.
- Parameters
name (string): Object name
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
timeout (int, float): Transfer collecting object timeout.
default (object): Default value to return in case data does not exist
mustExist (boolean): Whether data name must exist
- Returns
data (object): Data object defined under given name
(name, receivers, timeout=10, default=None, mustExist=False) Pop and return object from specific remote receivers.
- Parameters
name (string): Object name
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
timeout (None, int, float): Popped object returned timeout. If None is given, object will be popped remotely but not needed for return.
default (object): Default value to return in case data does not exist
mustExist (boolean): Whether data name must exist
- Returns
object (object): Poped object defined under given name
(name, data, receivers, bounce=None, timeout=10, replace=True) Add data to specific receivers. This is reserved to simple data structures of python, numpy and pandas. If failed, to transfer for serialization issues, transfer_add_object must be used.
- Parameters
name (string): Data name
data (object): Data object
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
bounce (None, str, list): Bounce is used to bounce transfer to multiple receiver after reaching initial receiver. This is ultimately used to transfer to workers that are managed by the same manager. If not None, bounce must be a list of the same length as the normalized number of receivers. bounce list can contain None, grid unique names of sublists of grid unique names.
timeout (None, int, float): Status return timeout. If None is given, status won’t be expected.
replace (boolean): Whether to replace data when existing
(name, receivers, timeout=10, default=None, mustExist=True) Get data from specific receivers.
- Parameters
name (string): Data name
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
timeout (None, int, float): timeout value to get data from remote executor. If None is given, method will block until data returned.
default (object): Default value to return in case data does not exist
mustExist (boolean): Whether data name must exist
- Returns
data (object): Data object defined under given name
(name, receivers, default=None, timeout=10, mustExist=False) Pop and return data from specific receivers.
- Parameters
name (string): Data name
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
default (object): Default value to return in case data does not exist
timeout (None, int, float): Popped data returned timeout. If None is given, object will be popped remotely but not needed for return.
mustExist (boolean): Whether data name must exist
- Returns
data (object): Poped data object defined under given name
(name, func, firstArgExecutor, receivers, timeout=10, replace=True) Add function to specific receivers
- Parameters
name (string): Function name.
func (object): Function object.
firstArgExecutor (boolean): Whether func first argument must be the executor object. Executor object is remote therefore it can’t be passed among fargs or fkwargs. This flag allows the executor executing func to pass self as first argument to func followed by *fargs and **fkwargs
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
timeout (None, int, float): Status return timeout. If None is given, status won’t be expected.
replace (boolean): Whether to replace function when existing
(name, receivers, default=None, timeout=10, mustExist=True) Get data from specific receivers
- Parameters
name (string): function name
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
default (object): Default value to return in case function does not exist
mustExist (boolean): Whether data name must exist
- Returns
function (object): Function defined under given name
(name, receivers, default=None, timeout=10, mustExist=False) Pop and return data from specific receivers
- Parameters
name (string): Function name
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
default (object): Default value to return in case function does not exist.
timeout (None, int, float): Popped udf returned timeout. If None is given, object will be popped remotely but not needed for return.
mustExist (boolean): Whether function name must exist
- Returns
data (object): Poped data object defined under given name
(path, receivers, timeout=10, sitePackages='temporary', replace=False, rejectFiles='^.*?.(so|pyd|pyc)$', '^(?![a-zA-Z_]).*$', acceptFiles='^[a-zA-Z_]{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,}.(py|pyx|h|c|cc|cxx|c\\\\+\\\\+|hh|H|hxx|hpp|h\\\\+\\\\+)$', rejectFolders='^\\\\..*?$', '^__pycache__$', '^docs$', '^Examples$', acceptFolders='^[a-zA-Z_]{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,}$', dataFiles=None) Transfer a local package or module to remote machine site-packages.
- Parameters
path (string): Local machine package or module path.
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
timeout (None, int, float): Status return timeout. If None is given, status won’t be expected.
sitePackages (string): must be any of ‘temporary’, ‘permanent’ or ‘user’
replace (boolean): Whether to replace package or module if existing.
rejectFiles (list, tuple, set): List of regular expressions when satisfied file will be ommited. List can be empty if no rejection conditions are needed.
acceptFiles (list, tuple, set): List of regular expressions where only when any is satisfied file will be read ad returned. List can be empty if all files can be accepted.
rejectFolders (list, tuple, set): List of regular expressions when satisfied folder and its content will be ommited. List can be empty if no rejection conditions are needed.
acceptFolders (list, tuple, set): List of regular expressions where only when any is satisfied folder and its content will be walked. List can be empty if all folders can be accepted.
N.B. This is safe to transport python packages with no compiled files. In case compile files are needed unless the remote machine has the same hardware and compiler as the local, all non python files must be compiled on remote machine using setup.py or other commands. In this case it’s safer to limit transered files using the following conditions and launching remote compilation commands.
# possible conditions are rejectFiles = (r"^.*?.(so|pyd|pyc)$", r"^(?![a-zA-Z_]).*$",) acceptFiles = (r"^[a-zA-Z_]{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,}.(py|pyx|h|c|cc|cxx|c\+\+|hh|H|hxx|hpp|h\+\+)$",) rejectFolders = (r"^\..*?$", r"^__pycache__$", r"^docs$", r"^Examples$") acceptFolders = (r"^[a-zA-Z_]{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,}$",)
(*args, **kwargs) Bases:
This method contain all methods to test grid’s performance
(toGUN, fromGUN=None, data=None, number=10, timeout=20, plot=False) Assess the back and forth speed of data transfer between two executor
- Parameter
toGUN (string): Executor grid unique name to transfer data to
fromGUN (None, string): Executor grid unique name to transfer data from. If None, this executor is used.
data (object): Any transferable data object to test the speed of transfer
number (integer): The number of assessment transfers to get a statistical answer
timeout (number): timeout per transfer iteration
plot (boolean): whether to plot results
- Returns
assessment (list, Collections.SoftgridStatus): Speed test assessment result list or a Collections.SoftgridStatus if an error happened
# standard library imports import sys, multiprocessing # import softgrid orchestrator from softgrid import Orchestrator # parameters NUMBER = 20 # number of transfer cycles to get a statistical representation NO_DATA = None # (16 bytes) TINY_DATA = list(range(1000000)) # 1000,000 (37 MB) SMALL_DATA = list(range(10000000)) # 10,000,000 (370 MB) BIG_DATA = list(range(50000000)) # 50,000,000 (1.85 GB) # instanciate orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='some_password_12345', acceptWorkers=True) # create workers ncpu = O.machineNumberOfCores - 1 status, ss,fl = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*ncpu, executorKwargs=None, machineUser=['some_user']*ncpu) for s in status: print(s) ## ASSESS FROM ORCHESTRATOR TO WORKER WHICH IS A DIRECT PATH # assess no data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=None, data=NO_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r) # assess tiny data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=None, data=TINY_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r) # assess small data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=None, data=SMALL_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r) # assess big data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=None, data=BIG_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r) ## ASSESS FROM WORKER TO ANOTHER WHICH IS A 2 STEPS PATH # assess no data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=O.workers[-2], data=NO_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r) # assess tiny data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=O.workers[-2], data=TINY_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r) # assess small data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=O.workers[-2], data=SMALL_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r) # assess big data result = O.assess_transfer_speed(toGUN=O.workers[-1], fromGUN=O.workers[-2], data=BIG_DATA, number=NUMBER, plot=True) for r in result: print(r)
Transfer speed between two different executors on the grid. Left column plots show speed of transfer between two executors that are one transfer step away because they are directly connected one to another. The right side column plots show the speed of transfer between two executors that are two transfer steps away because they are seperated by a third executor on the grid.¶
(*args, **kwargs) Visualize the grid graph as seen from the calling executor. This helper method will call softgrid.Collections.GridGraph.draw_graph method and return any data this method returns. All given arguments (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs) will be passed and used in draw_graph method. The grid graph visual shape and executors positions in the canvas is not guaranteed nor reproducable but the visualization respects all connections and executors role and count. Calling this function multiple time in a row will give different graph shapes but they are all the same and representative of the grid structure and executors connections.
Graph visualization of a grid as seen from the Orchestrator. This grid instance consists of the Orchestrator along with 15 router, 35 manager and 160 worker.¶
(*args, **kwargs) Bases:
In this class all remote and local launch definitons are implemented.
(executorAddress, executorType, executorKwargs=None, upgridUniqueName=None, machineUser=None, machineExecutable=None, timeout=10, retry=3) Launch and connected executor tothe grid.
- Parameters
executorAddress (string, list): address where executor will be launched. If list is given it must be a list if executor addresses
executorType (string, list): Executor type to launch. If list is given, must have the same size as executorAddress and all items must be strings of executor type
executorKwargs (None, dict, list): Executor instanciation keyword arguments. If None, all default keyword arguments will be used. If list is given, must have the same size as executorAddress
upgridUniqueName (None, string, list): Launched router upgrid unique name. If None is given, it’s then replaced with current executor grid unique name. If list is given, must have the same size as executorAddress
machineUser (string, list): Executor machine user name. If list is given, must have the same size as executorAddress
machineExecutable (None, string, list): Python machine executable path or alias. If None is given, or a None item is given in the list then it’s replaced with registered grid machines executable path if machine is registered or simply ‘python’ alias.
timeout (number): timeout for launching routers. If exceeded remaining not regiestered routers will forcefully fail to launch.
retry (integer): the number of time to retry launching executor if failure happens
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Status of success or failure
successful (list): list of launch parameters dictionnaries of all successfully launched executors. Dictionaries keys are ‘executorType’, ‘upgridUniqueName’, ‘gridUniqueName’, ‘executorAddress’, ‘machineUser’ and ‘machineExecutable’
failed (list): list of launch parameters dictionnaries of all executors that failed to launch. The same parameters can be used to relaunch the executors. Dictionaries keys are ‘executorType’, ‘upgridUniqueName’, ‘executorAddress’, ‘machineUser’ and ‘machineExecutable’
# standard library imports from __future__ import print_function import sys # softgrid imports from softgrid import Orchestrator, Globals # create orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='nopassword', acceptWorkers=False) ## launch four local routers status, routers,fl = O.launch_router(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*4, executorKwargs=None, machineUser='some_user') for s in status: print(s)
(*args, **kwargs) alias to ‘launch_executor’ with executor type as ‘Router’
(*args, **kwargs) alias to ‘launch_executor’ with executor type as ‘Manager’
(*args, **kwargs) alias to ‘launch_executor’ with executor type as ‘Worker’
(name=None, applicationName='softgrid_application', address=None, port=5000, portFetch=True, password=<function ExecutorBase.<lambda>>, allowExecutingUDF=None, relaunch=True, acceptRouters=True, acceptManagers=True, acceptWorkers=True, temporaryDir=None, permanentDir=None, ddfsDir=None, logKwargs=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases:
This is the former definition of all softgrid executors. This can be launched on a remote machine as well as on local. Orchestrator, Router, Manager and Worker implementations all inhert ExecutorBase.
- Parameters
name (None, string): grid executor name. If None, name will be set to the executor class name
applicationName (string): Application name
address (None, string): Machine address. If None, then it will get automatically assigned the ip address of the local machine
port (integer): The port number of the object server
portFetch (boolean): Whether to fetch for open port in case given port is not available
password (callable, string): grid executor server communication password
allowExecutingUDF (boolean): Whether to allow executing user defined function by this grid executor exxecution
acceptRouters (boolean): Whehter to accept router downgrid
acceptManagers (boolean): Whehter to accept manager downgrid
acceptWorkers (boolean): Whehter to accept worker downgrid
rules (None, dict): Machine default rules
logKwargs (None, dict): Logger keyword arguments
Heart beats monitor checking frequency
Heart beats monitor missing tolerance time
Get relaunch flag or integer value
Executors transport instance
Whether this is an orchestrator
Whether this is an router
Whether this is an manager
Whether this is an worker
Whether It’s allowed to execute user defined functions
Get machine properties dictionary
Get softgrid properties dictionary
Get executor properties dictionary
(bridgeToGUN, bridgePassword) Destroy connection bridge to bridgeToGUN
- Parameters
bridgeToGUN (string): Executor grid unique name to destroy connection bridge to.
bridgePassword (string): Connection bridge password.
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Status of success or failure
(bridgeToGUN, bridgeFromGUN=None, timeout=10) Build connection bridge from bridgeFromGUN to bridgeToGUN
- Parameters
bridgeToGUN (string): Grid unique name of the executor to build the connection bridge to.
bridgeFromGUN (None, string): Grid unique name of the executor to build the connection bridge from.
timeout (number): Timeout parameter to build the bridge
- Returns
status (Collections.SoftgridStatus): Status of success or failure
from __future__ import print_function import sys from softgrid import Collections, Orchestrator, Globals ## allow machine to accept any number of managers Globals.RULES['machine_maximum_number_of_managers'] = None ## allow machine to accept any number of workers Globals.RULES['machine_maximum_number_of_workers'] = None ## launch orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='nopassword') ## launch 3 managers attached to orchestrator status,managers,_ = O.launch_manager(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*3, machineUser='some_user', timeout=20) # get managers gridUniqueName managers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in managers] ## launch 5 workers on attached to each manager for a total of 15 workers status,workers,_ = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=managers*5, executorAddress=[O.address]*len(managers)*5, machineUser='some_user', timeout=20) # get workers gridUniqueName workers = [e['gridUniqueName'] for e in workers] ## build connection bridges between workers O.build_bridge(O.workers[0], O.workers[14]) O.build_bridge(O.workers[2], O.workers[7]) O.build_bridge(O.workers[5], O.workers[12]) O.build_bridge(O.workers[8], O.workers[10]) ## visualize grid graph as seen from orchestrator O.visualize_grid(labelsFormat='${role}\n${pid}')
Grid graph as seen from Orchestrator. Grid Executors are visualized as spheres color coded by role (red:orchestrator, blue:manager, yellow:worker). Grid connections are drawn with solid black line while connection bridges are drawn with the dotted red line. e.g. without the bridge, transfer from worker15748 to worker15753 will first go through manager15730 to orchestrator15727 to manager15729 before reaching destination. The bridge connection built between worker15748 and worker15753 shortcuts all intermediate grid executors. This is very useful when two executors are expected to exchange and transfer frequently¶
(address, port, password, handshakeTrackingKey=None, blocking=False, timeout=20) Connect executor to another on the grid. This will raise an error if this executor is already connected to the grid.
- Parameters
address (str): grid server machine address this grid executor will be connecting to
port (int): server port
password (str): server connection password
blocking (bool): If True, infinite loop will be launched and this will block user interface. If False, infinite loop will be launched automatically if Globals.INTERACTIVE_MODE is True
timeout (int, float): timeout in seconds to successfuly connect with grid. This is used only if Globals.INTERACTIVE_MODE is False and will result in killing the process
(creatorGUN, promisePassword=None, promiseTimeout=60, force=True) Add a promise to scheduler execution queue. A promise is a place holder to receiving an execute transfer from a remove executor. If placed, a promise will block any other scheduled execution from running until all stacked executions in the promise queue are finished or promise timeout is exhausted. As long as the promise is alive, remote executors can transfer executions to the promise by simply using the promise password Multiple promises can be created but at the risk of exhausting timeout if another task or promise is running. It’s to be noted that promises have no priority and they are used on first come first served basis. But executions in a promise queue will be prioritised.
- Parameters
creatorGUN (str): Executor creator grid unique name
promisePassword (None, str): Promise password. If None, a unique password will be automatically created.
promiseTimeout (int, float): Promise timeout in the execution queue.
force (bool): Place a promise regardless whether execution queue is running a task or not. If True, promise will be placed regardless at the risk of exhausting timeout constraint before running execution finishes.
- Returns
status (dict): The reservation status. Keys are:
‘placed’: Whether the promise has been placed in the execution queue. If force argument is False and their is already an execution running then the promise will not be placed.
‘queue_length’: The number of current execution stacked in the execution queue.
‘number_of_existing_promises’: The number of already existing promises in the queue.
- ‘number_of_running_executions’: The number of currently
running executions.
‘promise_create_time’: Promise create utc time. If not successfully placed, None is the value.
‘promise_password’: In case promise is placed, this password must be used to transfer executions to this promise queue. If not successfully placed, None is the value.
(promisePassword, force=False) Remove a promise from the execution queue.
- Parameters
promisePassword (str): Promise password.
force (str): Whether to force removing promise even if execution are remaining in promise queue.
- Returns
status (dict): Dictionary of remove status.
‘removed’: Whether the promise has been successfully removed
- ‘remaining_queue_length’: The number of executions
stacked in the execution queue of the promise.
(workerGUN, promisePassword, force=False) Remove a promise from the execution queue of a remove worker.
- Parameters
workerGUN (string, list): Remote worker grid unique name or list of workers grid unique name
promisePassword (str): Promise password.
force (str): Whether to force removing promise even if execution are remaining in promise queue.
- Returns
status (SoftgridStatus, list): promise remove result. If an error occured SoftgridStatus will be returned. Otherwise removing status dictionary is returned:
‘removed’: Whether the promise has been successfully removed
- ‘remaining_queue_length’: The number of executions
stacked in the execution queue of the promise.
(workerGUN, promisePassword=None, promiseTimeout=60, force=True) Transfer a promise to execute to a remote worker.
- Parameters
workerGUN (list, string): Remote worker grid unique name to send promise to. It can be a list of workers too
promisePassword (None, str): Promise password. If None, a unique password will be automatically created.
promiseTimeout (int, float): Promise timeout in the execution queue.
force (bool): Place a promise regardless whether execution queue is running a task or not. If True, promise will be placed regardless at the risk of exhausting promiseTimeout constraint before running execution finishes.
- Returns
status (SoftgridStatus, list): promise result status. List items can be SoftgridStatus if an error occured, otherwise reservation status dictionary:
‘placed’: Whether the promise has been placed in the execution queue. If force argument is False and their is already an execution running then the promise will not be placed.
‘queue_length’: The number of current execution stacked in the execution queue.
‘number_of_existing_promises’: The number of already existing promises in the queue.
- ‘number_of_running_executions’: The number of currently
running executions.
‘promise_create_time’: Promise create utc time. If not successfully placed, None is the value.
‘promise_password’: In case promise is placed, this password must be used to transfer executions to this promise queue. If notsuccessfully placed, None is the value.
# standard library imports import time, uuid, sys from pprint import pprint # softgrid imports from softgrid import Orchestrator # create some funky password t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime(time.time())) s = str(uuid.uuid1()) PROMISE_PASSWORD = "%s_%s"%(t,s) # create orchestrator O = Orchestrator(password='some_password_12345', acceptWorkers=True) # create local workers ncpu = O.machineNumberOfCores - 1 status, ss,fl = O.launch_worker(upgridUniqueName=O.gridUniqueName, executorAddress=[O.address]*ncpu, executorKwargs=None, machineUser=['some_user']*ncpu) for s in status: print(s) # create job execution promise on all workers promises = O.transfer_add_promise(workerGUN=O.workers, promisePassword=PROMISE_PASSWORD, promiseTimeout=60, force=True) # print returned promises if not isinstance(promises, list): # failed to transfer at all print(promises) else: # print failed promises for p in promises: if not isinstance(p, dict): print(p) # print successful promises for p in promises: if isinstance(p, dict): pprint(p) # IN 1 MIN, ALL PROMISES WILL EXPIRE BECAUSE promiseTimeout IS SET TO 60. # ORCHESTRATOR WILL RECEIVE A TIMEOUT LOG ABOUT PROMISES ON REMOTE WORKERS # EXPIRING AFTER BEING IDLE FOR 60 SECONDS.
Task scheduler is a seperate implementation that can be inherited by ExecutorBase children classes. It has all needed methods to schedule and launch tasks.
(func, fargs=None, fkwargs=None, worker=None, priority=1, promisePassword=None, collect=True, returnResult=True, storeResult=False, resultName=None, taskTimeout=None, multiplier=9223372036854775807) Schedule a task execute on a worker. When worker is busy with other scheduled and tasks, the executions will launch in a priority basis.
- Parameters
func (str, dict, callable): Function to execute.
fargs (None, list): Function func list of arguments.
fkwargs (None, list): Function func dictionary of keyword arguments.
worker (None, str): Worker grid unique name. If None, a worker will be randomly picked.
priority (int): Task priority in the scheduler queue.
promisePassword (None, str): Promise password. If not None, the task will be sent to the promise queue instead of the main scheduler queue.
collect (bool): Whether to collect and return execution result. This will block user interface until remote execution returns.
returnResult (bool): Whether to return result to local excutor. In contrast with ‘collect’, returnResult will make sure executed result is returned to this executor and stored in executedReturned dictionary if resultName is not None otherwise logged.
storeResult (bool): Whether to store result on remote executor executedStored dictionary.
resultName (None, str): Result name to store in local and remote worker executor. If None, storeResult will be automatically set to False and returned result will be logged instead of stored.
taskTimeout (None, number): Whether to restrain remote execution with a timeout. If set and expried, remote execution will continue but locally transfer tracking will be dropped.
multiplier (number): timeout multiplier. Wait timeout is calculated as timeout * ceil( pathLength/multiplier )
- Returns
- # result (None, list): If collect is None, then None is returned,
otherwise a list of 1 item which is the transfer returned result.
(ntasks=None, workers=None, nworkersMin=None, promisePassword=None, promiseTimeout=60, transferTimeout=10, force=False, verbose=False) This will add promises with the same password on multiple workers. A job is a collection of tasks. To ensure tasks and execution continuity or simultaneity, promises must be setup on multiple workers.
- Parameters
ntasks (None, integer): The number of tasks required to do the job. If not anticipated, or an unknown amount of tasks is expected then ntasks shall be kept None. If set to a number, ntasks is the maximum amount of promises created regardless of the number of workers available.
workers (None, list): List of workers to create the promise on. If None, then all downgrid workers are candidated for creating a promise.
nworkersMin (None, list): The minimum number of successful promises accepted.
promisePassword (None, str): The promise password. If None, password will be created automatically, otherwise it must be a string. If any promise with the same password exist on a worker then setting a new promise on that worker will fail.
promiseTimeout (number): The promise timeout in the execution queue.
transferTimeout (None, number): Transfer promise timeout. This will be used to ensure all promises are set or fail to set within a timeout constraint. if None is given it will default to promiseTimeout.
force (bool): Whether to force creating a promise regardless of the amount of executions and promises in the queue.
- Retuns
statuses (SoftgridStatus, list): the successful promises list. If creating the promises fail, SoftgridStatus is returned.
import random ntasks = 5 statuses = E.create_job_promise(ntasks=ntasks, workers=None, nworkersMin=ntasks, promiseTimeout=60) if not isinstance(statuses, list): print(statuses) else: def func(wait, n): import time, random tic = time.time() while time.time()-tic<wait: continue return [random.random() for _ in range(n)] for i in range(ntasks): password = statuses[i]['promise_password'] worker = statuses[i]['promise_executor'] E.schedule_task(func=func, worker=worker, promisePassword=password, fkwargs={'wait':30, 'n':random.randint(1000,10000)}, collect=False, returnResult=True, storeResult=False, resultName='random_range') # After about 30 seconds results shall be returned from executors # and retrieved using E._executedReturned['random_range']
(promises, force=True, verbose=True) Remove job promise from executors.
- Parameters
promises (string, list, dict): promises password or a list of dictionaries promises statuses
force (bool): Whether to force removing promise from executors regardless of existing executions in the promise queue.
verbose (bool): Whether to be verbose
- Returns
results (list): List of removing promises SoftgridStatus statuses.
(funcs, collect=True, resultName=None, jobTimeout=None, jobPromiseKwargs=None, verbose=True) Schedule and launch an asynchronous job of multiple tasks.
- Parameters
funcs (string, dict, callable, list): List of tuples of three items where first item is a function and the second item is None or a list arguments and the third item is None or a dictionary of keyword arguments. Every tuple in the list is a task that will be be scheduled to run as an independant task. funcs can be also a string method name, a dictionary function source or a callable and this will be a single task.
collect (bool): Whether to collect the data. This will block user’s execution until function returns the result.
resultName (None, str): If given result will be stored in local executor _executedReturned dictionary.
jobTimeout (None, number): Timeout to finish executing job
jobPromiseKwargs (None, dict): create_job_promise method keyword arguments.
verbose (bool): Whether to be verbose in the execution.
- Returns
values (None, list): List of collected values or None when collect is False.
(receivers=None, timeout=20, keepDuplicates=False) get list of bridges pair tuples
- Parameters
receivers (None, string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Receivers list will be normalized and expanded whether keywords are used or not. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers If None is given, receivers will be automatically set to all routers, managers and workers
timeout (None, number): transfer result return timeout.
keepDuplicates (boolean): whether remove duplicates in bridges coming from different executors.
- Returns
errors (list): list of Collections.SoftgridStatus
bridges (dictionary): dictionary of bridges where keys are executors grid unique name and values are list of
(address=None, port=5001, relaunch=True, *args, **kwargs) Bases:
Worker executor implementation
Whether this is a worker executor. This will always return True
This executor role, this will return ‘worker’
(address=None, port=5000, relaunch=10, allowExecutingUDF=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases:
Manager executor implementation
Helper property that prints launching script of downgrids for this Manager instance
Whether this is a manager executor. This will always return True
This executor role, this will return ‘manager’
(address=None, port=5001, relaunch=5, allowExecutingUDF=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases:
Router executor implementation
Helper property that prints launching script of downgrids for this Router instance
Whether this is a router executor. This will always return True
This executor role, this will return ‘router’
(address=None, port=5000, allowExecutingUDF=False, heartMonitorFrequency=10, heartbeatTolerance=60, acceptManagers=None, acceptWorkers=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases:
Orchestrator executor implementation
Helper property that prints launching script of downgrids for this Router instance
This executor role, this will return ‘orchestrator’
Whether this is a orchestrator executor. This will always return True
overload to gridpath property that returns a list of item which is the orchestrator gridUniqueName
(*args, **kwargs) Orchestrator is the main node of the grid. It connects to nothing
(receivers) Kill executors
- Parameters
receivers (string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Receivers list will be normalized and expanded whether keywords are used or not. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers
(receivers=None) Send a garbage collect execution to executors
- Parameters
receivers (None, string, list): string keyword or a valid executor grid unique name or a list of valid transfer trajectory of valid connected executors grid unique name or a list of a any combination of the listed before. Receivers list will be normalized and expanded whether keywords are used or not. Accepted string keywords are: * upgrid: current executor upgrid * routers: all current executor downgrid routers * managers: all current executor downgrid managers * workers: all current executor downgrid workers If None is given, receivers will be automatically set to all routers, managers and workers
(dtypes, sep='\x01', null=None, colNames=None) Bases:
Distributed Data File System Extract Transform Load
- Parameters
dtypes (dtype, list): data file columns data types (str,int,float,list,tuple,dict). If one data type is given then all columns are considered of this data type. If a list of data types is given, then this will define the data number of columns as well as every and each column specific type
sep (str): Data seperator to dump or load from disk
null (object): The designated null value. On disk it’s always and empty string.
(path, data, header=None, replace=True) Dump data on disk.
- Parameters
path (str): Relative path to executor ddfs’s where the data must be stored.
data (list, numpy.ndarray): list of rows or a numpy array for dimension 2.
replace (boolean): Whether to replace existing file.
(path) Pull and return data from Distributed Data File System
- Parameters
path (string): Relative path to executor ddfs’s where the data is stored.
- Returns
header (list): List of columns name.
data (list): Data list of rows where each row is a list of columns.
(path, n=1, header=False) Iterate file n lines at a time
- Parameters
path (string): Relative path to executor ddfs’s where the data is stored.
n (integer): number of rows to return in each iteration. If n==1 then one row is returned. If n>1 then each iteration will return a list of rows.
header (boolean): Whether to return header columns name in each iteration
- Returns
yielded (tuple, list): If header is True, yielded is a tuple of header columns name and n rows list. If header is False, then yielded will be a list of n rows or a single row depending on whether n is equal to 1 or bigger.
softgrid addons that can be used to help to enable other libraries.
Static helper methods to transfer pyrep repositories across the grid
(localRepo, paths, remoteRepo, remoteRepoInfo=None, remoteRepoReplace=False, remoteRepoReplaceFiles=True) Get transfer kwargs ready of pyrep repository files. This can be used to transfer and create pyrep repository on remote machines.
- Parameters
localRepo (Repository, string): pyrep repository instance or path to a valid instance.
paths (string, list): List of files relative path in local repository to load files ready to transfer.
remoteRepo (tuple, string): Path to repository on remote machine. If repository is not found under given path it will be created. If tuple is given, it must be of length 2 where first item is a keyword (‘temporary’,’permanent’) and the second item is relative path to given keyword.
remoteRepoInfo (bool, object): Repository information this will be used in case remote repository doesn’t exist. It can be None or any json writable type of data. If None, localRepo info will be used.
remoteRepoReplace (boolean): Whether to replace remote repository in case existing. If false and another repository exists then an error will be raised.
remoteRepoReplaceFiles (boolean): Whether to replace remote existing repository files. If False and file exists, an error will be generated.
- Returns
get_repository_transfer_kwargs (dict): Transfer kwargs dictionary.
paths = [p[0] for p in repo.walk_files_info(relativePath='',fullPath=False, recursive=True)] tkw = Addons.RepositoryTransfer.get_repository_transfer_kwargs(localRepo=repo, remoteRepo='repo_path', remoteRepoInfo=True, remoteRepoReplace=True, paths=paths) # transfer from orchestrator (O) to a manager c = O.transfer(transferKwargs=tkw, receivers=O.managers[-1], collect=True) print(c[0])
(executor, repoPath, repoInfo, repoReplace, files, replaceFiles) Dump given files dictionary to repository.
- Parameters
executor (softgrid Executor): Executor instance.
repoPath (string): Repository path string. If pyrep repository is not found then it will be created.
repoInfo (None, object): Repository information this will be used in case repository doesn’t exist. It can be None or any json writable type of data.
repoReplace (boolean): Whether to replace repository in case existing. If false and another repository exists then an error will be raised.
files (dict): Files dictionary of repository relative path where values are a dictionary of all of ‘pull’, ‘dump’ methods along with ‘data’ in a serialized format using pickle.dumps
replaceFiles (boolean): Whether to replace existing file in repository if existing.
- Returns
status (softgrid.Collections.SoftgridStatus): SoftgridStatus status.